6565. Juniplex and liver injection. (F.D.C. No. 44560. S. Nos. 62-210 P, 62- 212 P.) QUANTITY: 72 btls. of Juniplex, and 13 vials of liver injection, at San Fran- cisco, Calif. SHIPPED : Between 5-5-59 and 12-8-59, from Chicago, Ill. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Syrup No. 42 8 Fl. Ozs. Juniplex Alcohol 6% Each ounce contains: * * * Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin Bu U.S.P. XIV) 30 meg." and (ctn.) "List No. 13A 10 cc size (10.50 cc.) Multiple Dose Package Liver Injection U.S.P. Each cc. contains Vitamin Bia activity equivalent to 10 mcgms. of Cyanocobalamin." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Analyses showed that the liver injection contained approximately 40 percent and the Juniplex contained approximately 70 percent of the declared amounts of vitamin Bu. LIBELED : 5-4-60, N. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: Juniplex. 501(c)-while held for sale, the strength of "Juniplex"' differed from that which it purported and was represented to possess; 502 (a)-the label statement "Each ounce contains: * * * Cyanocobalamin (Vita- min Bia U.S.P. XIV) 30 meg." was false and misleading as applied to the article which contained less than the declared amount of vitamin Bia; and 502(a)-the labeling contained statements which represented that the article was of value as a hematinic whenever there was a reason to suspect a deficiency of the vitamin B complex, and in retarded growth of children, which state- ments were false and misleading in that they represented and suggested that there might be need for supplementing the diet of children with vitamin B complex, which representations were contrary to fact. Liver injection. 501(b)-while held for sale, the strength of the article differed from the standard for such article as set forth in the United States Pharmacopeia; and 502(a)-the label statement "Each cc. contains vitamin Bia activity equivalent to 10 mcgms. of Cyanocobalamin" was false and mis- leading as applied to the article which contained less than the declared amount of vitamin Bia. DISPOSITION: On 7-7-60, the Chicago Pharmacal Co., Chicago, Ill., claimant, filed an answer denying the allegations of adulteration and misbranding in the libel. On 3-17-61, the claimant having consented to the entry of a decree with the understanding that it should not be deemed to have admitted such allegations in the libel, and the court having found that the articles were adulterated as alleged in the libel, judgment was entered providing for con- demnation and destruction of the article.