6626. (F.D.C. No. 45990. S. Nos. 14-926 R, 15-668 R, 15-914/5 R, 15-919 R, 16-416 R, 62-541 R, 62-543 R.) INFORMATION FILED : 10-27-61, S. Dist Ohio, against Mrs. Hazel M. Middleton, t/a Hay-Jo Truck Stop, Morrow, Ohio, Mrs. Jo Anne Blount and Mrs. Helen Hogan (employees). CHARGE: Between 5-25-60 and 1-5-61, amphetamine sulfate tablets were dis- pensed 6 times and dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets were dispensed twice without a prescription. PLEA : Guilty by Mrs. Middleton to all counts; by Mrs. Blount to 2 counts; and by Mrs. Hogan to 2 counts. DISPOSITION : 10-27-61. Mrs. Middleton-$150 fine, 1 year in prison suspended, and 1 year probation; Mrs. Blount and Mrs. Hogan-1 year in prison suspended and 1 year probation.