6689. S-M-C (Sulfur Mineral Concentrate) and Sulf-Hydro-Sol. (F.D.C. No. 45714. S. Nos. 53-561/2 R.) QUANTITY: 15 1-pt. btls. of 8-M-C and 144 ' 2-oz. btls. of Sulf-Hydro-Sol at Minneapolis, Minn. SHIPPED : 9-12-60, from Salt Lake City, Utah, by Colloidal Sulphur Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "A Modern Spa In Your Home Bathe and Drink Your Way to Health and Beauty A Gift from the Gods S-M-C (Sulfur Mineral Con- centrate) - Sulf-Hydro-Sol Colloidal Sulfur Products * * * The CoUoidal Sulphur Company, Incorporated William A. Caudill, President, 599 Columbus Street Salt Lake City 16, Utah * * * Distributed by Organic Products, Inc. * * * Minneapolis 7, Minnesota * * * Rochester, Minnesota" and "Sulf-Hydro- Sol * * * active ingredients: Highly reactive sulfur complexes and Colloidal trace minerals, in a high potency concentrate supplying the univalent radical SH. Produced by The Colloidal Sulphur Co., Inc. * * * Salt Lake City, Utah. Distributed by Organic Products, Inc. * * * Always use S-M-C in conjunction with Sulf-Hydro-Sol for speedy and best results." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Leaflet entitled "A Modern Spa in Your Home." LIBELED : 4-11-61, Dist. Minn. CHARGE: 502(a)-when shipped, the labeling contained false and misleading representations that the articles were an adequate and effective treatment for arthritis and certain metabolic diseases due to sulfur deficiency; that use of the articles would stimulate metabolism, revitalize and normalize body and cellular metabolism; and that one could bathe and drink his way to health and beauty by use of the articles. DISPOSITION : 5-25-61. Default-destruction.