4139. Misbranding- of " Otto's Spruce .Gum Balsam... and Pine Tar Com?? pound." TJ. S. v. Jolin H. Rohsenl?erger (American Pliai'.macol Co.).? Plea of gruilty. Fine, $100 and costs. (F. & D. No. 6142. I. S. No.? ? 7174-e.) At the April, 1915, term of the District Court of the United States for the? District of Indiana, the grand jurors of the United States within and for the? district aforesaid, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, upon? presentment by the United States attorney for said district, returned an indict?? ment against John H. Rohsenberger, trading as the American Pharmacal Co.,? Evansville, Ind., charging the shipment by said defendant, in violation of the? Food and Drugs Act, as amended, on September 24, 1912, from the State of? Indiana into the State of Tennessee, of a quantity of " Otto's Spruce Gum? Balsam and Pine Tar Compound" which was misbrahded. The article was? labeled: (On carton) "Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam And Pine Tar Com?? pound. 4 M. Chloroform to the Ounce. Manufactured by The American? Pharmacal Co. Evansville, Ind., U. S. A. A Valuable Remedy for Coughs,? Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Chest and? Lungs, Consumption and Grip. Price 25 Cents. No. .937 Guaranteed un?? der the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906 Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam and? Pine Tar Compound Is an entirely new and scientific prescription, guaranteed? to be better in all Coughs, Throat, Chest and Lung troubles than any other? remedy. .Invaluable for Consumption. Most all Cough and Lung Remedies are? expectorants?This is wrong. If you want to cure a cough you must stop? coughing. Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam and Pine Tar Compound is not an? expectorant, but will stop the cough almost immediately. Given according to? directions it will loosen the phlegm so that it is thrown off without coughing? and straining. It allays the inflammation, heals the lungs and strengthens the? respiratory organs, giving vigor and vitality to the whole system. Beware? of Substitutes and Imitations" (Back the same as the front) (Statements? in German on other side). (On bottle) " Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam and Pine-? Tar Compound 4 M. Chloroform to Ounce The American Pharmacal Co. Sole? Manufacturers Evansville, Indiana Dose: 1 teaspoonful as often as necessary.? Swallow slowly, leave off drinking water after taking the medicine. For full? directions see pamphlet around bottle. Use strictly according to directions and? relief is certain to follow. Beware of Imitations Guarantee No. 937 Price? 25 cents." (Blown in bottle) "Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam." The circular or? pamphlet accompanying the article contained, among other things, the following? statements: "The Most Pleasant and Reliable Remedy for Coughs, Colds,? Croup and all Soreness of the Throat, Chest and Lungs." " Otto's Spruce Gum? Balsam and Pine Tar Compound is not an expectorant, but will stop the cough . almost immediately." " This remedy is a healing balsam and strengthening? invigorator to the Throat, Chest and Lungs. It will always allay that unrestful? feeling and put a stop to the heavy squeaking, asthmatic breathing, which pre?? cedes consumption. If you have La Grippe there is no remedy on earth that? will cure you quicker than Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam and Pine Tar Compound.? It will cure you permanently, and the use of it will give you stronger lungs and? better general health than you have ever enjoyed." " Otto's Spruce Gum Bal?? sam and Pine Tar Compound has proven to be the best Cough, Lung and Bron-