Issued August 8, 1916/ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. CX. AI^SBIJRG, CHIBJ? OF BURUATJ. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. SUPPLEMENT. • N. J. 4301-4350.? [Approved by the Acting Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, July 25, 1916.] NOTICES OF JUDGMENT UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT. [Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.] 4301. Misbranding of Russia sahe, U. S. * * * v. 20 Gross * * * of? * * * " Russia Salve." Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on bond. (F. & D. No. 6817.? I. S. No. 14355-k. S. No. C-293.) On August 16, 1915, the United States attorney for the Northern District of? Ohio, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis?? trict Court of the United States for said district a libel for the seizure and? condemnation of 20 gross, more or less, of a product labeled " Russia Salve,"? remaining unsold in the original unbroken packages, and in possession of the? Williams Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, alleging that the product had? been shipped on or about September 9, 1914, and transported from the State? of Massachusetts into the State of Ohio, and charging misbranding in viola?? tion of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. The shipping cases were? labeled: " Redding's Russia Salve, from Redding & Co. Boston." The cartons? containing the retail packages were labeled: " Redding's One Doz. Russia? Salve, For the Complete Cure Of Burns, Scalds, Flesh Wounds, Old Sores,? Piles, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost-bitten parts of the Body, Corns,? Felons, and Sores of every kind. Proprietors: Redding & Co., Boston, Mass."? The retail packages were labeled: " Russia Salve Redding & Co. Boston,? Price, 25 Cents. Trade Mark Registered Sept. 3d, 1878 The Russia Salve? is a purely vegetable compound, And is a Russian preparation of great? efficacy, and of rare and peculiar combination; it is perfectly free from any? mercurial matter or any injurious particles whatever. The secret of its? preparation was brought to this country by a Russian soldier, in 1822, and in? Boston and its vicinity it has been used for the past thirty years. The follow?? ing are among the diseases for which the Russia Salve is applicable, and in? which it has sovereign power Burns, Cancers, Sore Eyes, Itch, Felons,? Scald Head, Nettle Rash, Cuts, Corns, Scalds, Salt Rheum, Sores, Flea Bites,? 46841??16?1? 427 428 BUREAU OF CHEMISTEY. [Supplement 17. Chilblains, Frozen Limbs, Wens, Boils, Flesh Wounds, Piles, Bruises, Chapped? Hands, Sprains, Swelled Nose, Erysipelas, Lame Wrist, Whitlows, Ulcers,? Warts, Sore Nipples, Sties, Festers, Ringworm, Scurvy, Bunions, Sore Lips,? Ingrowing Nails, Spider Stings, Shingles, Eruptions, Mosquito Bites. Large? Boxes, 50 c. and $1 each. A great saving is made by taking the larger size.? Redding & Co., Boston, Mass. Price, 25 cents per box. For head colds it? has no equal. Apply into each Nostril. Sold by druggists throughout the? World. Guaranteed by Redding. & Co. under the Food Acts June 30, 1906.? Serial No. 1083 New label. None genuine without the signature of Redding? & Co." The circular placed in the carton with the retail packages contained,? mong other things, the following: " This wonderful remedial agent * * *? remedy * * * it invariably cured?no matter how severe the wound, or? how horrible the burn. * * * Its wonderful cures." " The power of the? Russia Salve is astonishingly great * * * it at once subdues the inflamma?? tion and pain. It will * * ?* reduce swellings * * * purify and restore? to perfect soundness old and inveterate sores * * * wonderful oint?? ment * * * Swelled Breasts, * * * Felons, * * * Salt Rheum, *?* * Invaluable Dressing, * ?* * Shingles, * * * Piles. Inflammation? of the Eyes yields to its power immediately; all * * * Fresh Cut Wounds? are cured with great rapidity; * * * Scrofulous Sores are soon changed? into a healing condition, and, frequently entirely cured." " Its power to reduce? inflammation * * * Wherever Inflammation exists this Salve is an invalu?? able Remedy. No matter what part or portion of the body is laboring under? inflammation, * * * this Ointment will allay it like a charm. * * * its? effects are almost immediate. * * * wherever and whenever inflammation? action exists, then and there apply the salve." " The following are among? the diseases to which this salve is applicable, and in which it has great? power: * * * Felons and Sores, of every kind, * * * For Old Sores *?* * For Piles, * * * until a cure is perfected * * * Inflammation of? the Eye." "In * * * Inflammation of every kind * * * best remedy." Misbranding of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that the? statements and labels on said cases, cartons, circulars, and packages were false,? misleading, and fraudulent; that no ingredient or ingredients in the said product? or compound were capable of producing the therapeutic effects claimed for it in? said circulars, branding, and labeling. Misbranding was alleged for the further? reason that said statements, pertaining to said cases, cartons, circulars, and? packages were false, misleading, and fraudulent, all within the meaning of said? act of Congress. It was further alleged that said shipping cases, cartons, and? boxes contained therein were misbranded in that said statements above quoted,:? pertaining to, and printed on said cases, cartons, circulars, and packages were? false and fraudulent. ' On September 10, 1915, the Williams Manufacturing Co., claimant, a corpora?? tion, Cleveland, Ohio, having filed its answer and claim, admitting the allega?? tions in the libel, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it? was ordered by the court that the product should be delivered to said claimant? upon payment of the costs of the proceedings and the execution of bond in the? sum of $2,000, in conformity with section 10 of the act. It was provided further? that all the labels and marks whatsoever as to the present identity and contents? of said article should be removed from each and every package and the? cartons holding said packages, and in the event that the said Williams Manu?? facturing Co. should undertake the resale of said Russia salve, that the brand?? ing and printing upon said cartons and circulars should meet with the approval? of the Department of Agriculture. CAEL VBOOMAN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. N. J. 4301-4350.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 429