4395. MislUrawdimgr of " Mayr's Wonderfwl Stoinaeli Heinedy." II, S. v.? George H. Mayr. Plea of guilty. Fine, $25 a?d costs. (F. & D. No. 6147. I. S. Nos. 9307-e, 2594-h.) On November 4, 1915, the United States attorney for the Northern District of? Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis?? trict Court of the United States for said district an information against George? H. Mayr, Chicago, 111., alleging shipment by said defendant, in violation of the? Food and Drugs Act, as amended, on or about January 13 and December 1,? 1913, from the State of Illinois into the State of Colorado, of quantities of? " Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy," which was misbranded. The article? was labeled: (On bottle) "Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy for Stomach? Troubles, Indigestion, Gas in the Stomach and Intestines, Dizziness and Faint?? ing Spells, Colic Attacks, Torpid and Congested Liver, Constipation, Gastritis,? Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis, Gall Stones, Etc. The above ailments are? caused by the clogging of the intestinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal secre?? tions backing up poisonous fluids into the Stomach, and otherwise deranging? the digestive system. This Remedy Removes These accretions without surgical? operation, and puts an end to Colic Attacks, Gases in the Stomach and In?? testines, and all of the usual symptoms of Gall Stones. Mfd and Guaranteed? by George H. Mayr Mfg. Chemist 154-156 Whiting St Chicago, 111, Under the? Food and Drugs Act June 30th, 1906. Serial No. 25793. Important. It is very? necessary that each powder ^hould operate the bowels freely. If for any reason? they should not do this within two hours take a Seidlitz Powder or a dose of? salts. Begin taking Mayr's System Regulator the next day. Note. After tak?? ing powder No. 1 in the afternoon Eat Nothing Solid, a little milk, tea or soup? being sufficient. Important Notice. The Powders should be kept in a dry place.? If they have become hardened or spoiled, notify me and I will be pleased to mail? others free of charge, Special Notice. On account of the cold weather, the? contents of this bottle is liable to become congealed or solidified. Please put it? in a warm place until it becomes liquified and thin. This Bottle is one Dose,? Directions. First take all of Powder No. 1 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon as di?? rected. At Bedtime take Entire Contents of Bottle at One Dose with juice of? lemon or orange. Next morning upon getting up take all of Powder No. 2 as? directed. When bowels operate use a vessel and note poisonous secretions re?? moved by this remedy, in some cases dark green or yellow lumps varying in? size from a fine bead to an olive?in severe cases even larger, in other cases? quantities of thick tenacious slime or mucus. These accumulations are weak?? ening and poisonous. After the system is rid of them, digestion and assimila?? tion will improve until the patient should feel like a new person. If the above? described accretions are passed, you are badly in need of this medicine. One? of these doses should be taken every week for at least five weeks or until no? more can be removed." (Blown in bottle) " Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem?? edy Chicago." (On carton) "Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy for Stomach? Troubles, Indigestion, Gases in the Stomach and Intestines, Dizziness and? Fainting Spells, Colic Attacks, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Gastritis, Yellow? Jaundice, Appendicitis, Gall Stones, Etc. The above ailments are mainly caused? by the clogging of the intestinal tract with poisonous accretions?which are? caused by a catarrhal condition of the Gall Bladder and Duct, Liver, Stomach? and Intestinal Tract?Backing up poisonous fluids into the stomach, and other?? wise deranging the digestive system. This remedy painlessly removes these? accretions without surgical operation, takes out inflammation from the entire? intestinal tract and renders the same antiseptic. Manufactured and Guaran?? teed by George H. Mayr Manufacturing Chemist Office and Laboratory Mayr? Building 154-158 Whiting St., Chicago Under the Pure Food and Drugs Act, 604 BUKEAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement X8„ June 30, 1906. Serial No. 25793. Users of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy? should take 5 to 7 doses, one each week to entirely cleanse the intestinal tract? of poisonous secretions. Mayr's System Regulator and Tonic for the Liver and? Kidneys should invariably be taken in connection with the Wonderful Stomach? Remedy to restore the action of these organs, create healthy- bile and hinder? forming of more Gall Stones and clear the skin. - Mayr's Wonderful Stomach? Remedy is no faith cure. It removes the Poisonous Intestinal Accretions and? Shows Them to You thereby proving its great value. With the removal of these? accretions the bloating and gas or wind in the stomach disappears, as also the? severe colic pains which from time to time attack the1 Gall Stone sufferer, some?? times rendering him unconscious. George H. Mayr Two Drug Stores S. E.? Cor. Clark and Lake Sts. N. W. Cor La Salle and Washington Sts. Chicago.? This preparation is gentle in action and rapid in results. No pain or gripe at?? tends its use. It has been successfully used in thousands of cases of. Stomach,? Liver and Intestinal Troubles and Gall Stones. Price $1.00 Worth $100.00."? (On box containing powder No. 1) "Mayr Wonderful Stomach Remedy Dis?? solve in glass of water and drink at 3 P. M. Follow with two glasses of water? within half-hour." (On box containing powder No. 2) "Mayr Wonderful? Stomach Remedy. Dissolve in glass of hot water and drink upon getting up? following morning; then drink two more glasses of water within half-hour."? The booklet accompanying the article contained, among other things, the fol?? lowing statements r " Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy removes all these un?? healthy and dangerous conditions as if by a magic sweep, not only softening? and expelling these accretions which adhere in large numbers to the walls of? the gall duct and intestines, but remedies the condition that causes them to? form, assisting in rendering the catarrhal or inflamed' passages antiseptic and? allaying all inflammation in the entire alimentary and intestinal tract, includ?? ing the appendix, to which the inflamed and catarrhal condition extends, and? an operation for appendicitis thus becomes unnecessary." " It does not matter? w;hether you believe you have gall stones or not. It is enough to know that you? are suffering from some stomach liver or intestinal ailment. Mayr's Wonderful? Stomach Remedy has never failed in any and all of these ailments, and without? pain, ill effect or inconvenience to yourself, and makes life worth living again.? It is composed of nothing but strictly Pure Nature's Ingredients and would? not harm a child or the weakest stomach; it acts on the very source and founda?? tion of the ailments and must necessarily cure them. It has been thoroughly? tested and proven and is absolutely the best, most positive and permanent? remedy for all stomach, liver and intestinal diseases and ailments, that could? be prescribed by the most eminent specialists on these disorders in America or? Europe." "Roanoke, Va. Mr. Geo. H. Mayr: I feel that I owe you a free state?? ment, as to the good derived from your Wonderful Stomach Remedy and Tonic? I was a very sick man for about three months, caused from gall stones of the? liver, and was told by three of our most prominent physicians that I would have? to submit to an operation to get relief, but heard of your Wonderful Remedy,? and secured the full treatment and took according to directions, and passed? hundreds of gall stones. Since taking your medicine I have worked regularly? and don't feel any HI effects. I am praising your remedies to the highest to ail? of my friends, as I know it is worthy of the highest praise, and I think it the? finest in the world. Wishing you much success, I am very respectfully, B. L.? Dooley." "Geo. H. Mayr: I will write you in regard to your Wonderful Stom?? ach Remedy, which I sent for about three months ago and took it as directed;? and I can say that I have never had a remedy to do as much good. My doctor? said I would have to have an operation performed, as I had a bad case of ap?? pendicitis. I would have written sooner, but I wanted to be sure that 1 was N. J.4351-4400.T SEEVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 605 cured. I think I am sound and well, as my side hasn't bothered me since tak?? ing your treatment. I feel like a new man. I have gained twenty-five pounds? in the last two months. I feel better than I have felt in three years. -I think? your Wonderful Stomach Remedy is the best medicine in the world. Yours? truly, S. C. Fountain, Anna, Texas." Analyses of samples from each of the shipments, made by the Bureau of? Chemistry of this department, showed the following results: Shipment No. 1. Alcohol.(per cent by volume)? 7.87 Solids (grams per 100 cc)? 5.99 Emodin reaction: Positive. Salicylic acid: Absent. Odor and taste suggest cascara and aloes.? Alkaloids, iodids, and mercury: Absent. Shipment No. 2. Package contains three kinds of material, viz, a 6-ounce bottle of oil and two? email paper cartons labeled " Powder No. 1" and " Powder No. 2." The oil: A bland yellowish oil having slight odor of oil of fennel. Index of? refraction at 25? C: 1.4673; Halphen test, negative. Material is olive oil with? trace of oil of fennel. Powder No. 1: Qualitative tests indicate only magnesium sulphate with water? of crystallization. Product is commercial Epsom salts. Powder No. 2: Qualitative tests indicate mixture of crystallized, magnesium? sulphate and a sodium salt of orthophosphoric acid. Material is a mixture of? commercial Epsom salts and disodium phosphate. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason that? the following statements regarding the therapeutic or curative effects thereof,? appearing on the label aforesaid, to wit, (On carton) "Remedy for * * *? Gastritis, * * * Appendicitis, Gall Stones * * *," "This remedy * * *? takes out inflammation from the entire intestinal tract, and renders the same? antiseptic * * * Mayr's System Regulator and Tonic for the Liver and Kid?? neys should invariably be taken in connection with the Wonderful Stomach? Remedy * * *," and included in the booklet aforesaid, to wit, "A positive? remedy for appendicitis * * *," "* * * absolutely the best, most positive? and permanent remedy for all stomach, liver, and intestinal diseases * * *,"? and contained in the booklet of the second shipment, to wit, " I feel that I owe? you a free statement, as to the good derived from your Wonderful Stomach? Remedy and Tonic. I was a very sick man for about three months, caused? from gall stones of the liver * * * heard of your Wonderful Remedy, and? secured the full treatment and took according to directions, and passed hun?? dreds of gall stones. Since taking the medicine I have worked regularly and? don't feel any ill effects * * *," " I will write you in regard to your Wonderful? Stomach Remedy, which I sent for about three months ago and took it as di?? rected ; and I can say that I have never had a remedy to do as much good. My? doctor said I would have to have an operation performed, as I had a bad case of? appendicitis. I would have written sooner but I wanted to be sure that I was? cured," were false and fraudulent in that the same were applied to the article? knowingly, and in reckless and wanton disregard of their truth or falsity, so as? to. represent, falsely and fraudulently to the purchasers thereof, and create in? the minds of purchasers thereof the impression and belief, that it was, in whole? or in part, composed of, or contained, ingredients or medicinal agents effec?? tive, among other things, when taken in connection with Mayr's . System Regu- $Q$ -3UEEAU m 43MEMSBWB.Y. 4?i?>ple?fiat-J& lator and Tonic, as a remedy for gastritis, appendicitis, and gall -stones, in tak?? ing out inflammation from the entire intestinal tract and rendering the same? antiseptic, as a cure for gall stones of the liver, as a positive remedy and cure? for appendicitis, and as a positive remedy for jail stomach, liver, and intestinal? diseases, when, in truth and in fact, it was ?iot, in whole or in part, composed .of,? and did sot contain, such ingredients or medicinal agents. On December 10, 1915, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the informa-? 1 ion, and the court imposed a fine of $25 and costs. 0. F. MAKVIN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. N,.J.435l-440a.]; SERVICE ANE)> REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS.