4436. Misbj-andinj? o? "Raaey's Bl?od Remedy." U, S. * * * v. i,eila J*? Eaney (Raney Medicine Co,). Plea of guilty. Fine, $50. (F. & D. No. 6390. r. g. No. 18S0Mt.) On March 2, 1916, the United. States attorney for the Northern District of? Georgia, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States, for said district an information against? Leila J. Raney, trading as Raney Medicine Co^ Atlanta, Ga., alleging shipment? by said defendant, in violation of the Food and Drugs Aet, as amended, on or? about February 18, 1915, from the State of Georgia into the State of Florida,? of a quantity of " Raney's Blood Remedy," which was misbranded. The? article was labeled: (On carton) "Raney's Blood Remedy (design of man's? head) Trade Mark Reg. in U. S. Pat. Office, Oct. 17, 1911. Serial No. 42972? Contains 20? Alcohol Poison Corrosive Sublimate 1-32 of Gr. to each Tea-? spoonful. Blood Purifier and Tonic Manufactured By Raney Medicine Co.? Atlanta, Ga." (On sides of carton) "Raney's Reliable Blood Remedy Regu?? lator." (On back of carton) "Raney's Blood Remedy Possesses both tonic? and blood purifying properties. In cases of physical exhaustion,, a run down? condition of the system, slow convalescence, or other symptoms of wasting? away of the vital powers, clearly indicating, the need of an invigorating, bracing? tonic, R. B. R. will be found a pleasant acting medicine. 'Will make you young? again.,' Recommended for Catarrhal Troubles^, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and? Ulcers, Scrofula, Boils and Carbuncles, Eczerna,. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Syphilitic? Affections, Cancerous Humors, and all diseases arising from impure state and? impoverished condition of the blood. Raney's Blood Remedy Assists the organs? in performing their functions; it acts on the liver and kidneys, it calms the? nervous system, it nourishes, strengthens, invigorates, and improves the appear?? ance of the "skin Price, One Dollar." (On bottle) "Raney's Blood Remedy? Recommended for Blood Poison, Catarrh, Pellagra, Eating Cancer, Rheumatism,? Female Complaints and nervousness. (Design of man's head) Trade Mark? Reg. Contains: Alcohol 20 per cent. Poison corrosive sublimate 1-32 of a? grain to one teaspoonful. Directions Important: See folder for complete direc?? tions which fully explain. Dose, adults with weak nerves, 1 to 10 drops, adults? with strong nerves, fourth to two-third teaspoonful in water before meals.? Children 1 to 5 drops. Price One Dollar Manufactured only by Raney Medicine? Co. Atlanta, Ga." The eircular accompanying the article contained, among other? things, the following: "Raney's Blood Remedy." "For pellagra and diseases? of the kidneys, adhere as much as possible to the following diet: Avoid breads? that contain starch, such as corn bread, wheat bread and crackers. Avoid Irish? and sweet potatoes, hog meats and all gravies, dry beans and peas, rice and? grits, everything sweet and drink no coffee. As substitutes for bread,, eat? baked apples and cheese and diet on green vegetables, vegetable soups and? drink all buttermilk desired. Patient may also eat kid and mutton, tender? roast and smothered beef in small quantities." "RBR conquers all blood and? nerve diseases. Raney's is not only a sure and quick relief for diseases of? nerve and blood, it is the only remedy that is always successful. If it is your? misfortune to suffer the agonies of any nerve or blood trouble, for instance,? Rheumatism, Asthma, Pellagra, Old Sores, Eating Cancer, Female Complaints,? Catarrh, it will be your fortune to find a wealth of good health |n Raney*s? Blood Remedy." *f What is Raney's Blood Remedy. Raney's is first a vigorous? blood purifier, quick in action and sure in results. It is next a superior nerve? tonic which rebuilds and strengthens exhausted nerves. Then Raney's is_ a? great compound that embodies all the essentials of a blood purifier and nerve? rebuflder." u Pellagra no longer fatal. Pellagra no longer holds its terrors for? many near-victims of this deadly malady. Hundreds, whose very lives were 690 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY.- [Supplement 19.:- slowly ebbing away; men and women who were gradually dying from the? terribly destructive pellagra germs, have also been gradually but surely restored? to permanent health by taking Raney's Blood Remedy, the only discovered relief? for pellagra. Here's three of that happy number: ' Five bottles Raney's cured? me of pellagra.' J. T. Bradford, 118 Main St., Atlanta, Ga. ' Two and half? bottles Raney's cured my wife of pellagra.' W. J. Ward, 62 Frazier St., Atlanta,? Ga. 'I was in bed with pellagra and two bottles Raney's put me on my feet? again.' Mrs. M. A. Hillyer, Acworth, Ga." Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this depart?? ment showed the following results: Specific gravity at 25? C??? 1. 036 Solids (per cent)-,.? 14.3 Ash (percent)? 1.65 Sucrose (percent)? 7.7 Reducing sugars as invert (per cent)?.? 2.3 Alcohol (per cent by volume)? 16.0 Potassium iodid (per cent)? 1.50 Mercuric chlorid (grain per fluid ounce)? 0.4 Glycerin (percent)? .? 1.8 Sarsaparilla: Present. Arsenic, alkaloids, salicylates: Absent. Product is a solution of potassium ? iodid and mercuric chlorid? in a sirup of sarsaparilla. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason that? the following statements regarding the therapeutic or curative effects thereof,? appearing on the label aforesaid, to wTit, (On bottle) "Raney's Blood Remedy? Recommended for * * * Catarrh, Pellagra, Bating Cancer, Rheumatism,? Female Complaints * * *." (On carton) " Raney's Blood-Remedy * * *? Recommended for * * * Rheumatism * * * Carbuncles, Eczema, Tet?? ter, Salt Rheum, * * * Cancerous Humors, and all diseases arising from? impure state and impoverished condition of the blood," and included in the? circular aforesaid, to wit, " Raney's Blood Remedy * * * For pellagra and? diseases of the kidneys * * * conquers all blood and nerve diseases * * *? it is the only remedy that is always successful. If it is your misfortune to suffer? the agonies of any nerve or blood trouble, for instance, Rheumatism * * *? Pellagra * * ' * Eating Cancer, Female Complaints, Catarrh, it will be your? fortune to find a wealth of good health in Raney's Blood Remedy Whether or? not your trouble is chronic or newly acquired, Raney's will forever drive it away.? And in the place of a physical wreck, there will be pure blood, steady nerves, a? healthy complexion, clear mind, strong body, in fact, all things that combine health? and happiness and the joys of life," " It is * * * a superior nerve tonic? which rebuilds * * * exhausted nerves," " Raney's * * * embodies all? the essentials of a * * * nerve rebuilder," " Pellagra no longer fatal. Pel?? lagra no longer holds its terrors for many neai'-victims of this deadly malady.? Hundreds, whose very lives were slowly ebbing away; men and women who? were gradually dying from the terribly destructive pellagra germs, have also? been gradually but surely restored to permanent health by taking Raney's Blood? Remedy, the only discovered relief for pellagra. Here's three of that happy? number: ' Five bottles Raney's cured me of pellagra.' J. T. Bradford, 118 Main? St., Atlanta, Ga. 'Two and half bottle Raney's cured my wife of pellagra.'? W. J. Ward, 62 Frazier St., Atlanta, Ga. ' I was in bed with pellagra and two? bottles Raney's put me on my feet again.' Mrs. W. A. Hillyer, Acworth, Ga.,"? were false and fraudulent in that the same were applied to the article know- N.J. 4401-4450,] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 691 ingly, and in reckless and wanton disregard of their truth or falsity, so as to? represent falsely and fraudulently to the purchasers thereof, and create in the? minds of purchasers thereof the impression and belief, that it was, in whole or? in part, composed of, or contained, ingredients or medicinal agents affective,? among other things, as a remedy and cure for all cases of catarrh, for pellagra,? and eating cancer; for all cases of rheumatism and all female complaints; as a? remedy for carbuncles; for all cases of eczema; for tetter, salt rheum, all can?? cerous humors, and all diseases arising from an impure state and impoverished? condition of tiie blood; as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys and all blood? and nerve diseases; as a nerve tonic, and as a nerve rebuilder; when, in truth? and in fact, it was not, in whole or in part, composed of, and did not contain,? such ingredients or medicinal agents. Misbranding was alleged for the further? reason that the statement, to wit, "Contains 20? Alcohol," borne on the label? of the article, was false and misleading in that it represented that the article? contained 20 per cent of alcohol, whereas, in truth and in fact, it did not, but? contained a less amount of alcohol, to wit, 16 per cent of alcohol; and for the? further reason that it contained alcohol, and the label failed to bear a state?? ment of the quantity or proportion of alcohol contained therein. On March 23, 1916, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the information,? and the court imposed a fine of $50.? GAEL VKOOMAN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. " 692 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 19.