59-3-7~ Misb:ran.tli.:ng of "Liveon The 00 Day Consuniption Cure" and "' Li.veon Lung Dises.,... U. S. * * * v. Geo:irge H, Center. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50 and costs. tF. & D. 8'14&. I. lil. Nos. 1150(),-1, 11351-1.) On J-mn.e 4, 1917, the United States attorney :lio:r th.e Eastern Dfstrkt of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in. the Di.Sr trict Court of the United States for said district an informati!on against George II. Center, Du Quoin, Ill., alleging shipment by saiid defendant, in v:i:-Olatioo ot the Food and Drugs Act, as. amended:, on or about Jinne 21, 1916, from the S.taieof Illinois into the State o-f Misso1:1d, of a quantity of artkles: labeled in pmi·t, " Liveon The 00 Day C011s-mnption Cnr~ M and '' Liveon Lang lliscs," which we1"'C misbranded. Analysis of samples of the articles by the Bureau of Chemistry of this dcpa1 ·tment showed the following results; The "Liveon." Nonvolatile at 100" C. (per cent) __________________________ 47. 3 Reducing sugars as invert; before fnversforr (per cent)' __ 20. 3 after inversion (per cent>-- 36. 2- Sucrose by Cierget (per cent)------------------------------- 14. 9' Alkaloids : None found. Reinsch test for mercury and arsenic : None found. Plant extracti ves: Present. Tar : Present. Emodin: Present. J;·ree acidity as acetic acid (grams per 100 cc)______________ 2. 8 Ash (per cent) __________________________________________ 2.0 Ash composed of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbonate, sulphate, chlorid, phosphate. Iron-trace. Sample is an aqueous solution containing sugar, plant material, emodin, tar, acetic acid. The "Liveon Lung Discs." Grains per disc _________________________________________ 3.88 Nonvolatile at 100° C. (per cent) _________________________ 92. 0 Starch and sugar : Present. Tar : Present. Nitrogenous material: Trace. Alkaloids: None found. Tannin, emodin, and plant material: Present. Reinsch test for mercury and arsenic: Negative. Ash (per cent) __________________________________________ 5.68 Ash composed essentially of calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorid, carbonate, sulphate, and phosphate. Iron and potassium indicated. Sample composed of discs containing essentially emodin, plant material, tar, starch, and sug~r. It was alleged in substance- in the information that the "Liveon The 90 Day Consumption Cure" was misbranded for the reason that certain statementR appearing- on the labels of the bottles and cartons and includec., in the circular accompanying it falsely and fraudulently represented it as a remedy and cure for asthma, consumption, la grippe, catarrh of the head and throat, whooping rough, hay fever, croup, and all diseases which may attack the lungs, and. when used in conjunction with "Liveon Lung Discs," as a preventiYe of pneumonia, when, in truth and in fact, it ,vas not and was not otherwise effective as a preventive of pneumonia.