6953. Misbranding of Seelye's Wasa-Tnsa, Dr. Seelye's Compound Extract? of Sarsapai'illa, Seelye's Laia-Tena, Seelye's Coug-h and I>a Grippe? Remedy, and Seelye's Fluorilla Compound. U. S. * * * v. A. B.? Seelye Medical Co., a corporation. Plea of g-wilty- Fine, $50 anil? costs. (F. & D. No. 9449. I. S. Nos. 8122-p, 8124-p, 8125-p, 8126-p, 8127-p.) On February 19, 1919, the United States attorney for the District of Kansas,? acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court? of the United States for said district an information against the A. B. Seelye? Medical Co., a corporation, Abilene, Kans., alleging shipment by said company,? in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended, on or about July 7, 1917,? and September 7, 1917, from the State of Kansas into the State of Missouri,? of quantities of articles, labeled in part " Seelye's Wasa-Tusa," " Dr. Seelye's? Compound Extract of Sarsaparilia," " Seelye's Laxa-Tena," " Seelye's Cough? and La Grippe Remedy," and " Seelye's Fluorilla Compound," which were? misbranded. 430 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 70, Analyses of stipples of the articles by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed the following results: The Wasa-Tusa contained ammonia, chloroform, camphor, capsicum, aro-? matics, alcohol, and water. The Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla consisted of a reddish brown solution? containing essentially a small amount of plant extractives, aromatics, coloring? matter, potassium iodid, sugar, alcohol, and water. The Laxa-Tena consisted of a dark colored sirup containing essentially? emodin-bearing plant material, sugar, alcohol, and water. The Cough and La Grippe Remedy consisted of a heavy sugar sirup contain?? ing plant material, together with small amounts of alcohol, chloroform, and tar. The Fluorilla Compound consisted of a sirup containing emodin-bearing plant? material, a small amount of alkaloids, sugar, alcohol, and water. It was alleged in substance in the information that the Wasa-Tusa was? misbranded for the reason that certain statements appearing on the labels of? the cartons and bottles falsely and fraudulently represented it as a treatment,? remedy, and cure for rheumatism, lame back, tonsilitis, sore throat, nasal? catarrh, la grippe, colic, cholera morbus, inflammation of the kidneys, and all? painful affections of a nervous and inflammatory nature, summer complaint,? pain in the back and kidneys, bunions, swelling, and inflammatory conditions,? diphtheria, fever, colds, burns, scalds, indigestion, fever and ague, pain in the? side, strains of muscles and limbs, all painful swellings, tumors, deafness, stiff? and enlarged joints, and all diseases of a painful nature, when, in truth and in? fact, it was not. It was alleged in substance that the Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla was? misbranded for the reason that certain statements appearing on the labels of? the cartons falsely and fraudulently represented it as a treatment, remedy,? and cure for scrofula, scrofulous humors, scald head, syphilitic affections, can?? cerous humors, ringworm, salt rheum, boils, tumors, pimples, and humors on? the face, catarrh, dizziness, faintness at the stomach, female weakness, general? debility, and all diseases arising from impure blood and low condition of the? system, and that it was effective to cleanse and enrich the blood, and to tone? up the nervous system and impart new life to all the functions of the body,? when, in truth and in fact, it was not. It was alleged in substance that the Laxa-Tena was misbranded for the? reason that certain statements appearing on the labels of the cartons falsely? and fraudulently represented it as a treatment, remedy, and cure for jaundice,? sour stomach, fever and ague, and that it was effective to remove the cause that? develops appendicitis and to prevent fevers, when, in truth and in * fact, it? was not. It was alleged in substance that the Cough and La Grippe Remedy wras mis?? branded for the reason that certain statements appearing on the labels of the? cartons falsely and fraudulently represented it as a treatment, remedy, and? cure for-influenza, la grippe, whooping cough, asthma, catarrh, phthisis, hoarse?? ness, and all affections of the throat and lungs, and effective when taken in? connection with Seelye's Wasa-Tusa to remove soreness of the chest, and to? prevent lung fever and pneumonia, when, in truth and in fact, it was not. It was alleged in substance that the Fluorilla Compound was misbranded for? the reason that certain statements appearing on the labels of the bottles falsely? and fraudulently represented it as a treatment, remedy, and cure for anemia,? languid habits in "young girls budding into womanhood, amenorrhcea, dys?? menorrhea (painful menstruation), leucorrhopa, bearing down pains, fainting? spells, nervousness, local congestion, prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), N J. 6951-7000.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 431 and effective as a treatment for delicate women and the diseases peculiar to? their sex; and effective to restore strength, renew vitality, and build up the? functional structure of delicate women, when, in truth and in fact, it was not. On March 5, 1919, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty to the? information, and the court imposed a fine of $50 and costs. B. D. BALL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.