11119. Misbranding of Sangvin. U. S. v. 5J Dozen Bottles and 52 Bottles? of Sang-vin. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and? destruction. (P. & D. Nos. 16892, 16893. I. S. Nos. 2544-v, 2545-v.? g. Nos. E-4200, E-4201.) On October 26, 1922, the United Stales attorney for the Eastern District? of Pennsylvania, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed? in the District Court of the United States for said district libels for the seizure? and condemnation of 9| dozen bottles of Sangvin, remaining in the original? unbroken packages at Philadelphia, Pa., consigned by Dr. M. Spiegel & Sons,? Albany, N. Y., alleging that the article had been shipped from Albany, N. Y.,? in part on or about January 10, 1922, and in part on or about June 30, 1922,? and transported from the State of New York into the State of Pennsylvania,? and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this? department showed that it was composed essentially of plant drugs includ?? ing a laxative drug, sugar, alcohol, glycerin, and water. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libels for the? reason that the labeling contained certain statements, designs, and devices? regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the said article as follows,? (bottle) " Sangvin * * * For Purifying the Blood And Strengthening the? Nerves * * * recommended for Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles,? Scrofula, Tetter, Hives and other Skin Diseases arising from impure blood,"? (carton, in English) " Sangvin * * * For Purifying the Blood and Strength?? ening the Nerves For Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Scrofula, Tetter,? Hives and other skin eruptions arising from impure blood. * * * keep up? the treatment * * * until health and strength are restored. * * * to? Build Up The Run Down System * * * Sick Headache Exhausted Feel?? ing * * * Lack Of Ambition Loss Of Appetite Sleeplessness Eczema, Boils,? Tetter, Sycosis, Pimples and other Skin Eruptions arising from Impure Blood? Nursing mothers, invalids and old people will find Sangvin an excellent tonic.? * * * purify The Blood and Strengthen The Nerves * * * preventing and? eliminating diseases arising from impure blood. Nervousness, dyspepsia, dis?? turbed sleep, poor appetite, debilitated tissues, etc," (carton, in foreign lan?? guages) " For purifying the blood and strengthening the nerves * * *? recommended for maladies of the stomach, liver and kidneys * * * scrofula,? eruptions, and other skin affections arising from impure blood," (booklet,? in English) " Sangvin for Blood and Nerves * * * Sangvin * * * For? Purifying The Blood and Strengthening the Nerves * * * for Stomach Liver? and Kidney Troubles. * * * Scrofula, Tetter and Hives or other skin dis?? eases arising from impure blood. * * * Blood and Nerve Tonic to build up? the run-down system. * * * cleanses the blood of impurities, strengthens? the nerves, restores the debilitated tissues, makes good rich blood, induces? refreshing sleep and improves the general health. * * * Impure blood weak?? ens the vitality, affects the nervous system, produces various skin disorders,? and manifests itself in other ways. Many cases,of insanity have been traced? to impure blood. The Sooner You Take Sangvin the better off you will be.? Don't wait until your disease becomes deep-seated. In its first stages one N.J. 11101-11150.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 67 bottle of Sangvin will put you on your feet again. It is used in thousands of? homes with beneficial effect for kidney trouble, weak nerves, deranged stomach,? and all diseases arising from and causing impure blood. Even in chronic? cases * * * this remedy is used with gratifying results. * * * The Great? Blood and Nerve Remedy For Sick headache. Catarrh. Lack of vigor or? ambition * * * Exhausted feeling. Loss of appetite. Sleeplessness. Mala?? ria. La grippe. Indigestion. Kidney disorders. Stomach and liver complaint.? Loss of weight * * * Weakness. Nervousness. Scrofula. Sores. Ulcers.? Humors. Abscesses. Carbuncles. Running sores. Pimples. Blotches. Hives.? Eczema. Salt Rheum, Tetter or Scales. * * * Remove the cause, purify the? blood with Sangvin, and eliminate any of these diseases that may have taken? hold of your system. * * * It removes the cause which is at the foundation? of these disorders, thereby restoring the general health. * * * the many ills? causing and arising from impure blood quickly disappear, and you again? enjoy the blessing of perfect health. :!" * * a tissue and strength builder. *?* * a valuable preparation for nursing mothers. * * * Purify The Blood? What You Need *s Sangvin, a reconstructive agent to help nature build new? tissues, and promote the circulation of pure, rich blood. With pure blood? flowing in the veins skin diseases disappear, the cheeks lose their paleness and? sallowness, the eyes become clear and bright. * * * A sallow and pale com?? plexion with a defective skin are a great stumbling block. Use Sangvin. It? not only improves the skin but promotes the general health. * * * It in?? creases the vitality, overcomes exhaustion from overwork or worry, builds up? the nervous system and acts as a general restorative. If there is an invalid? or old person in your home, don't delay. Get a bottle of Sangvin. * * *? Skin Diseases assume a great variety of forms and are liable to attack any? part of the body. * * * If the blood is contaminated * * * it brings? to the surface boils, carbuncles, abscesses and other skin diseases. * * *? Purify The Blood and the ailments which are dependent on the blood will? disappear. Scrofula is also the result of impure blood. * * * It 'is an? inflammation of the Bones And Joints, Breaking Out mostly in the glands of? the neck and swellings. * * * In order to ease or overcome this deep-seated? and morbid disease its source must be searched. * * * Pimples, the same? as in other skin diseases, are the result of impure blood. * * * blackheads? form * * * Use Sangvin. * * * Don't wait until your pimples become? chronic and incurable. The sooner you take Sangvin the better your chances? are for overcoming these conditions. Eruptions, Postules, itching sores, redness? or hives may be produced by certain disturbing foods or drinks. * * * These? conditions lie in the blood and in order to overcome them, regulate the di?? gestion and purify the blood with Sangvin. There is nothing better. Eczema *?* * In this case the condition of the bowels and blood must be corrected? before it becomes chronic, and the same treatment as for pimples is recom?? mended. * * * Erysipelas is an infectious disease of the skin and is at?? tended with inflammation. * * * This disease must be attended to promptly,? otherwise a red spot is liable to develop into a monster sore. Purify the blood? with Sangvin * * * sick headache, nervous dyspepsia * * * loss of ap?? petite * * * the heart * * * kidney And Bladder Diseases. * * * Un?? healthy urine which passes from diseased kidneys into the bladder causes? bladder trouble. * * * Sangvin fulfills every hope in purifying the blood,? strengthening the kidneys and. overcoming these conditions. * * * If you? feel debilitated, run down or exhausted use Sangvin. It rebuilds the worn? out tissues, promotes the action of the slomach, liver and kidneys, tones up? the blood, and makes you well and strong" (some similar statements in? foreign languages), which were false and fraudulent in that the said article? would not produce the curative or therapeutic effects which purchasers were led? to expect by the said statements, designs, and devices, and which were ap?? plied to the said article with a knowledge of their falsity for the purpose of? defrauding purchasers thereof. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason? that the following statements appearing in the said booklet, " The Pure Food? And Drugs law requires that the percentage of deleterious substances and? narcotics contained in medicines be stated on the label. None of these is? stated on the label of Sangvin," were false and misleading. On November 22, 1922, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg?? ments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered and it was ordered by? the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. C. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 68 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 153,