1 15248. Adulterat1on of canned shr1mp. U. S. v. 12 Cases of Canned Shr1mp. f Default: decree of condemnat1on- forfe1ture, rand destruct1on. | (F. & D. No. 21312. I. S. No. 13752-x. S. No. B-6873.) ^ , ., ; ,, ? On Octpber-,8,. 1926; the Un1ted States attorney for; the D1str1ct; o^Clonnect1- ( ' cut, act1ng;upon'a1report by the Secretary; of Agr1culture, f1led 1n the D1str1ct | Court' ofr the .Un1ted States:for,sa1d d1str1ct a Ubel pray1ng se1zure and,con- demnat1on of 12 :Cases of canned shr1mp, rema1n1ng 1n the or1g1nal unbroken packages a& Hartford,, Conn., alleg1ng; that the art1cle had. been sh1pped;by Wm. Gorenflp;& Co., .Brunsw1ck, Ga.;, on or about December;-14^ 1925, and trans- ported from the State of Georg1a 1nto the State of Connect1cut, and;,charg1ng adulterat1on 1n Ylolatfpnv of the food tand4tugs act. The art1cle was labeled 1n part: "Gor'enf1b "Brand1 Fresh Shr1mp'Packed by Wm. Gorenflo & Company, Ma1n Off1ce: B1lox1, M1ss." It was alleged 1n the l1bel that the art1cle was adulterated, 1n that 1t cons1sted 1n part of a f1lthy, decomposed, and putr1d an1mal substance. On November 10, 1926, no cla1mant hav1ng appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnat1on and forfe1ture was entered, and 1t was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the Un1ted States marshal. W. M. JABDINE, Secretary of Agr1culture.