1 15306. Adulterat1on an,d M1sbrand1ng of butter. V. S. v. 14 Tubs of Butter. I Decree of condemnat1on and forfe1tu1-e entered. Product released j under bond. (F. & D. No. 22014. I. S. No. 20028-x. S. No. 36.) | On July 21, 1927, the Un1ted States attorney for the Eastern D1str1ct of Penn- * sylvan1a, act1ng upon a report by the Secretary of Agr1culture, f1led 1n the | D1str1ct Court of the Un1ted States for sa1d d1str1ct a l1bel pray1ng se1zure and ' condemnat1on of 14 tubs of butter, rema1n1ng 1n the or1g1nal unbroken packages ^ at Ph1ladelph1a, Pa., cons1gned by the Wythev1lle Creamery. Wythev1lle, Va., I alleg1ng that the art1cle had been sh1pped from Wythev1lle, Va., on or about July H 18, 1927, and transported from the State of V1rg1n1a 1nto the State of Pennsy1- t van1a, and charg1ng adulterat1on and m1sbrand1ng 1n v1olat1on of the food ana 1 drugs act.?It was alleged 1n the l1bel that the art1cle' was adulterated, 1n that a sub- stance conta1n1ng less than 80 per cent of butterfat had been m1xed and packed therew1th so as to reduce, lower, and 1njur1ously affect 1ts qual1ty and strength, and had been subst1tuted wholly or 1n part for the sa1d art1cle. M1sbrand1ng was alleged for the reason that the art1cle was an 1m1tat1on of or offered for sale under the d1st1nct1ve name of another art1cle. On August 3, 1927, M. W1ldste1n, Ph1ladelph1a, Pa., hav1ng appeared as cla1m- ant for the property, judgment of condemnat1on and forfe1ture was entered, and 1t was ordered by the court that the product be released to the sa1d cla1mant upon payment of the costs of the proceed1ngs and the execut1on of a bond 1n the sum of $900, cond1t1oned 1n part that 1t be recond1t1oned under the superv1s1on of th1s department. W. M. JABDINE, Secretary of Agr1culture.