16579. Adulteration and alleged misbranding of Halanum. U. S. v. Vt Bot- tles of Halanum. Default decree of condemnation, iox-feltur'. und destruction. (F. & D. No. 23334. I. S. No. 05064. S. No. 1451.) On January 21, 1929, the United States attorney for the Northern Di&tri t.; of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in ti ?? '. District Court of the United States for said district a libel praying seizai ?* ' and condemnation of 17 bottles of Halanum at Chicago, Ill., alleging th the article had been shipped by the Radium Research Foundation from L'- Angeles, Calif., April 9, 1928, and transported from the State of Californ i into the State of Illinois, and charging adulteration and misbranding in viol tion of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it co sisted essentially of sodium chloride (1.8 per cent) and water. It contain 1 no radium and was not antiseptic. It was alleged in the libel that the article was adulterated in that its strengi i fell below the professed standard under which it was sold in that it w - sold under the following standard, (bottle label) "Contains 200 millimicE grams of Non-equillibrated Elemental Radium (RA) per litre * * * Chei ist's Certificate-The contents are certified to conform to my formula, contai - ing 200 millimicrograms of non-equillibrated elemental radium (RA) per lit - in solution," which standard represented that each litre of the article co - tained 200 millimicrograms of nonequilibrated elemental radium, whereas ti - said article failed to contain radium. Misbranding was alleged for the reason that the following statements regar ?- ing the curative or therapeutic effects of the article, appearing on the contain - and in the folder accompanying the article, (folder) " In Halanum the Alpl particle of Radium that is released in the blood stream, carries with it loosely held atom of oxygen which oxygenizes the blood and at the same tin - oxidizes the tissue waste and thereby detoxicates the cells of the body. T - Alpha particle being carried in the blood stream activates the gland cells by i establishing the balance between the acid nucleus and the alkaline cytoplas - of the cells. Halanum raises the oxygen carrying power of the blood throui i its peculiar predilection for embryonic cells and thoroughly stimulating t: - bone marrow and other blood making tissues. * * * By the increase f the Metabolic rate as shown by basal metabolism tests. Also the increasi output of Urea and Uric Acid salts in the urine and the increase in tl Calcium output as in the case of Arterio Sclerosis, Arthritis, etc. Then agan in the almost immediate increase in erythrocytes. Also by the rapid decrea* in the symptoms of any general Toxicosis. * * * Halanum. * * * What does the name mean? The name comes from the Saxon for Healt * * * What is the effect of Halanum on the ductless glands? It seems ' - - be peculiarly an activator of the gland structure throughout the body, both 1 the direct action of the Alpha particles stimulating the gland structure, am* \ by its oxygenizing properties., The gland tissues appropriate only what th can use-just to a point of saturation and no more. Therefore, overdosai cannot produce over-functioning and that is why the weaker glands are tl ones most activated first. In pluri-glandular conditions it has been demo strated that the weaker or most badly affected glands respond first unl 1 equality is established. The action is one of equilibration from then o . * * * Because of it being an oxygenizer and a gland tissue builder i range of usefulness is necessarily very broad. It has been found to ] > particularly useful in diseases involving the ductless glands such as Goitt Impotency, Frigidity, Prostatic diseases. Halanum is probably the greate. Aphrodisiac known for both the male and the female. Due to its Oxygenizatic i - and Oxidization, it has been very beneficial in sHich diseases as Rickets, Colon v Stasis, Colitis and in all Bronchial disturbances. In Gastric Ulcers it hi v had a very specific action having a general stimulating and sterilizing effeli In Arthritis, Rheumatism, and Arterio Sclerosis, it is especially beneficial^ cause of its ability by oxidization to produce soluble Calcium Oxide out '< ' the insoluble Calcium Carbonate that is deposited in these diseases, enablit.: it to be expelled from the body, as can be demonstrated in the Urine. AsJ. douche, in the proportions of four drams to the quart, it probably has i - equal in conditions of the Vaginal Mucosa and the endometrium. Halanui full-strength, is recommended as an external application whenever a noV poisonous sterilizing agent is indicated; as a gargle, wash or spray in dis- eased conditions of the mouth, throat and nose, and as a deodorant. * * '* on account of the great variety of diseases that have responded, we feel thu. Its full limit of usefulness has not been defined as yet by the physicians frho prescribe it. * * * In severe cases the dosage is increased to as Idgh as four di'ams every three hours until a slight feeling of vertigo is produced, which denotes saturation * * * It will be noticed in cases of Toxemia or Auto-Intoxication that about the third day there is a reaction suggesting an increase of the symptoms which usually lasts one or two days, Hhen subsides. * * * It is desired to draw the special attention of physi- cians to the fact that Halanum is not indicated in cases of Malignancy except to conjunction with the use of Armstrong's Oxycatalyst," were false and fraudulent in that the said statements were applied to the article knowingly md in reckless and wanton disregard of their truth or falsity, so as to ^present falsely and fraudulently to purchasers thereof and create In the piinds of such purchasers the impression and belief that it was in whole or ji part composed of or contained ingredients or medicinal agents effective as a remedy for the diseases, ailments, and afflictions mentioned upon the cartons and in the circulars contained in the said cartons. Misbranding was flleged for the further reason that the strength of the article fell below the Srofessed standard under which it was sold in that it was sold under the following standard, (bottle label) "Halanum contains 200 milli micrograms of ^on-equilibrated Elemental Radium (RA) per litre. * * * Chemist's Certi- ficate-The contents are certified to conform to my formula, containing 200 milli micrograms of non-equilibrated elemental radium (RA) per litre in solution," (folder) " Halanum is a standard Radium preparation, * * * Salanum contains a non-equilibrated Radium salt, * * * Halanum is a saline Uranium Radium solution in which the radium expresses only electro Positive active particles. * * x As its chemical formula indicates, it is a Solution containing Radium energy. It is the result of a process discovered 5y Robt. A. Armstrong in his tireless research in the field of radium and the possibilities for extending the use of radium as a curative agent. Has Salanum any harmful effects due to its Radium content? No. That is the tnique feature of Armstrong's discovery. Pure elemental radium, as you l&nmonly know it, contains the Alpha and Beta particles and the Gamma ray. The Alpha is the curative or the activating particle. The Alpha particle has I'low penetrating power, and is about seventeen times the size of the Hydro- fen atom, while the Beta particle is only 1/170 the size of the Hydrogen atom, lie Gamma ray is the result of the explosion of the Beta particle, which gives lee to a disturbed condition of the ether. The Gamma ray is the one of lemendous penetration, it being capable of penetrating 17 feet of steel and lily losing 40 per cent of its energy. The problem was to separate and utilize me Alpha particle. After exhaustive research, Mr. Armstrong has succeeded 1 doing this. So now, Halanum in its concentiated form, as presented to pysicians, is truly a Non-Equilibrated Radium Solution. In Halanum, the alpha particle of Radium that is released in the blood stream, carries with it Soosely held atom of oxygen which oxygenizes the blood and at the same time maizes the tissue waste and thereby detoxicates the cells of the body. The Kpha particle being carried in the blood stream activates the gland cells by Establishing the balance between the acid nucleus and the alkaline cytoplasm lithe cells. Halanum raises the oxygen carrying power of the blood through |S peculiar predilection for embryonic cells and thoroughly stimulating the pie marrow and other blood making tissues. How long will Halanum keep- m life is the life of Radium-2,500 years. How can the action of Halanum Rthe human body be scientifically demonstrated? By the increase of the feabolic rate as shown by basal metabolism tests. Also the increased output SfOrea and Uric Acid salts in the urine and the increase in the Calcium output p.* * Is Radium taken internally beneficial? Yes. In the form in which feppears in Halanum, a non-equilibrated solution containing only the Alpha Krticles. It is well understood by Physicians that it would not be advisable Stake a pure Radium salt into the human body. The burning and penetra- lia of the Beta particle and the Gamma ray are too destructive. Only in a ^equilibrated solution containing the Alpha particle may Radium energy introduced directly into the human system with perfect safety and positive Kent. * * * Halanum, full strength, is recommended as an external felication whenever a non-poisonous sterilizing agent is indicated," which ffindard represents that each liter of the article contained 200 millimicrograms Mion-equilibrated elemental radium, whereas, in truth and in fact, the said Kple failed to contain radium. On or about April SO, 1929, no claimant having appeared for the propen , a decree was entered by the court ordering that the product be condemned a: ' forfeited as adulterated and that it be destroyed by the United States marsh u AETHUE M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.