17840. Adulteration and Misbranding of Cerolactlc antiseptic ointment, and Misbranding of Cerolactlc Internal antiseptic tablets and Ce- rolactlc germicide and prophylactic. U. S. v. 120 Dozen Packages of Cerolactlc Internal Antiseptic Tablets, et al. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. Nos. 25212. 25213, 25214. I. S. Nos. 4776, 4777, 4778. S. No. 3437.) Examination of samples of the herein-described drug products having shown that the labels bore claims of curative and therapeutic properties that the articles did not possess, that the so-called Cerolactic internal antiseptic was not an internal antiseptic, and the so-called Cerolactic antiseptic ointment was not antiseptic, the Secretary of Agriculture reported the matter to the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York. On October 20, 1930, the United States attorney filed in the United States District Court a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 120 dozen pocket- sized and 44 dozen hospital-sized packages of Cerolactic internal antiseptic tab- lets, 42 dozen packages of Cerolactic antiseptic ointment, 1 dozen small-sized, 4% dozen medium-sized, and 3 dozen large-sized packages of Cerolactic germi- cide and prophylactic, remaining in the original unbroken packages at New York, N. Y., alleging that the articles had been shipped by the Hibbs-Worth Labora- tories (Inc.) from Chicago, Ill., on or about May 28, 1930, and had been trans- ported from the State of Illinois into the State of New York, and charging adulteration and Misbranding of the said ointment and Misbranding of the remaining products in violation of the food and drugs acts as amended. Analyses of samples of the articles by this department showed that the Cero- lactic ointment consisted essentially of a petrolatum and paraffin base contain- ing tar, zinc oxide, sulphur, and traces of cerium and phosphorus compounds, and that it was not antiseptic; that the Cerolactic internal antiseptic tablets contained charcoal, phenolphthalein, a small amount of a cerium compound, starch, and peppermint oil, coated with sugar and calcium carbonate; and that Cerolactic germicide and prophylactic consisted essentially of boric acid, men- thol, thymol, phenol, salicylic acid, a traee of a cerium compound, glycerin, alcohol, and water. It was alleged in the libel that the said ointment was adulterated in that its strength fell below the professed standard and quality under which it was sold, viz, (carton' and tube) "Antiseptic Ointment." Misbranding of the said ointment was alleged for the reason that the follow- ing statements were false and misleading: (Carton and tube) "Antiseptic Oint- ment;" (brown circular) "Cerolactic antiseptic ointment * * * The smallest break in the skin is not too small to admit germs and set up an infection. Something must be done immediately to cheek their development and guard against the possibilities of blood-poisoning. There is no better way to do this than by first washing the affected or injured parts with Cerolactic aromatic solution and then apply this ointment. Cerolactic Antiseptic Ointment is a purely ethical compound in which is combined that safe and reliable antiseptic and germicide, Cerolactic, with White Petrolatum and Anhydrous Wool Tat, and other ingredients approved by dermatologists in the treatment of skin diseases. * * * The ingredients contained in Cerolactic ointment render it an invaluable agent where a' continuous antiseptic action is necessary." Misbranding of the said ointment was alleged for the further reason that the following statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent: (Carton) "Eczema, Eruptions, Bashes, Blemishes, Cuts * * * The ingredients most approved by Dermatologists in the treat- ment of Inflammatory Cutaneous Diseases * * * Cerolactic Ointment is a reliable remedy in cases of eczema, ringworm, shingles, hives, itching piles * * * cuts * * * scabies, scrofulous tumors, etc. (Eczema re- sponds quickly to Cerolactic treatment.) * * * All skin eruptions, rashes, blemishes, etc., that appear on the skin are of germ origin. A complete and permanent cure can only be effected when the germ is destroved. * * * Cuts;" (tube) "Eczema, Eruptions, Bashes, Blemishes, Cuts * * * The in- gredients most approved by dermatologists in the treatment of inflammatory cutaneous diseases * * * Cerolactic Ointment is a reliable remedy in cases of eczema, ringworm, shingles, hives, itching piles, * * , * scrofulous tumors, etc.;" (brown circular) "Abscesses * * * apply- Cerolactic Ointment. Boils * * * apply Cerolactic Ointment liberally. * * * Eczema * * * To heal apply Cerolactic Ointment. * ' * * Hemorrhoids, Bleeding or Itch- ing Piles, Rectal Abrasions and Fissures * * * apply our Cerolactic Oint- ment. * * * It is unsurpassed in the treatment of Eczema, Ringworm, Hemorrhoids, Itching Piles, Hives, * * * Boils, Pimples, * * * and other skin eruptions and infections." Misbranding of the said germicide and prophylactic was alleged for the reason that the statement on the carton and bottle, "An Internal * * * Antiseptic," was false and misleading. Mis- branding of the said germicide and prophylactic was alleged for the further reason that the following statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent: (Carton) "Prophylactic * * * guarantee protection against bad teeth, bleeding and spongy gums. * * * Cerolactic will * * * prevent infection. * * * valuable in the treatment of all skin diseases, * * * Invaluable as a gargle or spray in all cases of Diphtheria, Tonsilitis and all affections of the throat; * * * relieve canker sore mouth, spongy or bleeding gums, * * * and all catarrhal conditions of the nose and throat. * * * all Inflammations, * * * Wounds * * * Bites, Fever Sores, Boils, * * * Salt-Rheumr Eczema * * * Bleeding or Itching Piles, Itching Scalp and * * * in- flamed conditions of tissue. * * * In the treatment of * * * all diseases of the scalp;" (bottle) "Prophylactic * * * As a gargle or spray- in severe cases of Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Tonsilitis * * * for Catarrh * * * For internal use in Digestive Disorders, Typhoid Fever, Gastritis, Stomatitis, Colitis, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. * * * for all Inflammations * * * Wounds * * * Bites, Fever Sores, Boils, * * * Salt Rheum, Eczema, * * * Bleeding or Itching Piles, * * * and all * * * in- flamed conditions of tissue, * * * canker sore mouth, spongy or bleeding gums." Misbranding of the said internal antiseptic tablets was alleged for the reason that the following statements regarding the curative or thera- peutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent: (Carton and bottle) "Purifies the Breath * * * By Purifying the Stomach. Internal Anti- septic Tablets Aid Digestion * * * Effective in the Treatment of Intestinal and Stomach Disorders. * * * Internal Antiseptic Tablets- Aids Digestion * * * Kills Inside Germs. Purifies the stomach and intes- tinal tract. * * * Will benefit the bronchial tubes and throat and purify the breath. Invaluable in the treatment of Acute and Chronic Gastritis, Gas- tric Neurosis, Catarrhal and Ulcerative Enteritis (diarrhoea). * * * la stomach and bowel symptoms such as bloating, * * * gastric achylia (in- sufficient or complete lack of acid), toxemia (poisoning) from excessive gastrie fermentation and absorption of toxins; in headache and ' dopiness' due to- absorption of toxins from putrefactive changes in the bowel and constipation; " (green circular) "Acute indigestion or gastritis may be prevented if at the first indication of gastric distress an antiseptic in proper dosage is taken. Cerolactic Internal Antiseptic Tablets, * * * relieve stomach distension, bloating, * * * thus 'the danger of cardiac distress will be prevented. * * * The use of charcoal in preventing the distension of the bowel by gas and the steril- ization of the intestinal tract by the use of an antiseptic, in proper dosage, would prevent the stasis and the resultant auto-intoxication, Cerolactic Internal Antiseptic Tablets, * * * form the combination to effectively combat this condition. * * * Cerolactic Internal Antiseptic Tablets have been proven by some of the most severe tests to be invaluable in the treatment of acute and, chronie gastritis, gastric neurosis, catarrhal and ulcerated enteritis (diar- rhoea), * * * In stomach and bowel symptoms such as bloating * * * gastric achylia (insufficient and complete lack of acid), toxemia (poisoning) from excessive fermentation and absorption of toxins. In headache and dopi- ness due to absorption of toxins from putrefactive changes in the bowel and constipation. Directions. In chronic cases Cerolactic Internal Antiseptic Tablets should be administered through the advice of a physician, but they may be taken at any time for acute indigestion and the correction of all gastric disorders. During the sterilization of the intestinal tract and the absorption of gases by the use of Cerolactic Internal Antiseptic Tablets, * * * Take one tablet at a time, follow in half an hour if not relieved. As a preventative measure and to guard against digestive disturbances." On November 29, 1930, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the products.be destroyed by the United States marshal. ABTHTJB M. HTDB, Secretary of Agriculture.