20366. Misbranding of Urodonal. U.S. v. 11 Packages of Urodonal. De- fault decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. no 28865. Sample no. 4368-A.) Examination of the drug product Urodonal disclosed that the article con- tained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed in circulars shipped with the article. On September 8, 1932, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 11 packages of Urodonal, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Milwaukee, Wis., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 16, 1931, by G. J. Wallau, Inc., from New York, N.Y., to Milwaukee, Wis., and charging misbranding in viola- tion of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted essentially of methenamine (4.1 percent), sodium phosphate (13 percent), sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid, citric acid, and a small proportion of sugar. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the labeling bore false and fraudulent representations concerning its effects in arthritis, rheumatism, arterio-sclerosis, obesity, gout, gravel, uricemia, sciatica, cleansing the liver and kidneys, purifying the blood and all the tissues, softening the. arteries, reducing obesity, oxydizing the fats, removing uric acid crystals and * all the poisonous substances and impurities which kill the renal tissue, eczema, asthma, headache, neuralgia, eliminating uric acid in the blood, acute and chronic rheumatism, or in the articular, muscular, or visceral forms, dissolving the obstructions and articular nodosities of those suffering from rheumatism and gout, preventing complications of diabetes, albuminuria, weakness of the kidneys and uremia, stones in the bladder, thick, sandy, or fetid urine, renal impermeability (various forms of nephritis, Bright's disease), keeping the arteries young and reducing incrustation, eliminating the chalk salts which coat the arterial walls, thus preventing arterio-sclerosis, as a preventive meas- ure for children whose parents are arthritic, diabetic, corpulent, or hypersthenic, in hereditary arthritism, migraine, acidity, skin diseases, unhealthy urine, breaking up the biurates which it converts into soluble urates, clearing the urine which remains acid, increasing the permeability of the kidney and stimu- lating the functions of this organ, inducing the elimination of the purins or xantho-uric substances, cleansing the liver and stimulating its functions, clear- ing the system from all clogging acid substances and thus dispelling amino- acidaemia, effecting a real drainage of uric acid in the system, heart weakness, colic of the kidneys, gouty tophi, nodosities of deforming rheumatism, safe- guarding against multitudinous disorders, colic of the liver or kidneys, pains, urticaria (nettle rash), antisepticizing the urinary system, destruction of un- healthy germs in the urinary organs, healing of the mucous membranes, modi- fication of the secretions, cystitis, prostatitis, pyelitis, dyspepsia, intercostal neuralgia, pains in the shoulder, myalgia, pains afflicting the forearm, calf of the leg and neck, torpid gout, ever present stiffness of the right tibia-tarsal joint, shooting pains in the joint of the great toe, poor general health, conges- tion of the liver, wandering pains, pains in the right hypochondrium, liver projecting beyond the region of the false ribs, licheno-eczema, violent pains affecting the whole shoulder and left arm, breathlessness, loss of memory, general fatigue, preventing tophaceous deposits and gravel, diseases of nutrition, dissolving of waste products, as uricolytie (uric acid breaking up agent), cleansing the blood and removing poisonous substances, facilitating the work of the kidneys, clearing from the system the sodium chloride contained in the fluids and even from the tissues where it accumulates, dropsy, eliminating urea, uraemia, dissolving oxalic acid and oxalates, diabetes, oxidizing the fats, gall- stones, stimulating the functions of the liver thus helping it to convert the cholesterin into soluble cholatic acid, dissolving the uric acid and eliminating it, stones in the bladder, nervous disorders, neurasthenia, hypochondria, variously localized neuralgia, gastralgia, mucous catarrh, and heart disease originating from arteries with its terrible sequellae, albuminous nephritis, uremia, apoplexy, softening of the brain, gangrene of the extremities, tumors of degenerescenee (cancer), certain inflammatory conditions of the mucous membranes (angina, spasmodic coughing), chillblains, seborrhea, indigestion, bleeding from nose, stiff neck, enteritis, irritability and instability of the blood circulation (palpita- tions, flushing of the face, irregular pulse), itching, precocious obesity with flabbiness of the flesh, cold hands and feet, disturbed sleep, nocturnal terror, laziness, inertia, neurosis, St. Vitus dance, hair falling out prematurely, exces- sive functioning of the skin peculiarly sensitive at the folds, atony of stomach and intestines, fermentations, flatulency, distention, constipation, alternating with muco-membranous discharges, congestive conditions of liver, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, turbid urine, and a more or less constant nervous condition,, auto-toxaemias (cholaemia), shaking off hereditary taint, the reaction of each organ of the body to uric acid, an unhealthy condition of the liver, biliary in- adequacy or calculosis, functional disorders of the liver, digestive disturbances- due to uric acid, jaundice, erratic pains, neuro-arthritism, morbid hybridlty, nervous symptoms, mental and physical degenerescenee, disorganizations of' stomach (ptosis), nervous exhaustion (phobias, manias), general weakness,, scrofulo-tuberculous offspring, typical physiological wreck, undefined ailments,, defective nutrition, melancholia, swollen, inflamed, and very painful big toe, urates in the joints, swelling of the joints, numb and lingering, spreading to knees, hands, and shoulders, joints deformed by the tophi (concretions of sodium urate), visceral or internal transformation of the articular or external form of gout, abdominal tension, acid repeatings, sallow complexion, alternating diar- rhea and constipation, abnormal hunger, lack of appetite, depression, irritabil- ity, oppression, bladder trouble, gout affecting all organs, heart, lungs, nervous system and sensory organs, spreading to the entire nutritive process, con- junctivitis, iritis, otitis, bronchial catarrh, phlebitis, etc., normally eliminating uric acid, modifying the diathesis and preventing recurrence of gout, limiting the manufacture of uric acid, preventing its accumulation and insuring its elimination via kidneys, gout in all its forms, conferring immunity, overcoming inflammatory swellings, preventing blood and organs from being poisoned, pro- curing disappearance of tophaceous deposits in the feet, hands, and ears, oxidiz- ing cholestrin, preventing obesity by burning up the fat, regulating sugar-fixing functions of the liver, decongesting the kidneys by eliminating gravel and sand, preventing degenerescenee of these organs, suppurative inflammation of the small tubules (calculous pyelonephritis), insuring asepsis and limpid steriliza- tion of toxic and turbid urine, lesions of the circulatory system, tertiary accidents or complications, relieving many other evils of gouty origin, loss of teeth due to alveolar periostitis, intractible coryza, recurring angina, granula- tions of the throat and larynx, gastritis and dilation of the stomach, emphysema, rheumatismal pleurisy, congestion of lungs (often mistaken for tuberculosis), affecting the eyes, ears, nerves, etc., slackening of nutrition, errors in diet and hygiene, dull pains in the region of the kidneys, discomfort in lower abdomen, evacuating red sand and oxalic concretions, tearing of the infhvtely small tubules by sharp gravel procuring slow passage of gravel with mucous, agoniz- ing and intolerable pain with vomiting, breaking up the sand, preventing forma- tion of stone clearing the urine, lumbar pains, rheumatism settling in joints, overstrain, weakening resistance of certain joints. On November 15, 1932, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. R. G. TTJGWEIX, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.