4817rMisbrandlng of apple butter. TJ. S. v. Kuner-Empson Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, 8750. (F. D. C. No. 8805. Sample No. 88195-E.) * On February. 26„ 1943, the United States attorney for the District of Colorado filed an information against Kuner-Empson Co., a corporation at Brighton, Colo., alleging shipment on or about February 28, 1942, from the State of Colorado into the State of Texas, of a quantity of apple butter that was misbranded. The article was labeled in part: "Empson's Apple Butter * * * Packed by Emp; son Packing Co." It was alleged to be misbranded in that it purported to be and was represented as apple butter, a food for which a- definition and standard of 'identity had been promulgated pursuant to regulations as provided by law, and did not con- form to such definition and standard of-identity, since it had not been concen- trated by heat to such a point that the soluble solids content of the finished prod- uct was not less than 43 percent as required by such regulations. It was alleged to be misbranded further in that the statement "Apple Butter," borne on the label, was false and misleading, since the article didnot conform with the stand- ard and definition f or* apple butter. * On April 13, 1943, a plea of guilty, having been entered on behalf of the de- fendant, the court imposed a fine of $750. '