7915. Misbranding of Fero-B-Plex, Minerals Plus, sarsaparilla root U. S. P. with sassafras bark, Cetabs, Fenugreek Tea, and Borax Laxative Tablets. U. S. v. 141 Packages of Fero-B-Plex, 4 Packages of Minerals Plus, 9 Packages of Sarsaparilla Root U. S. P. with Sassafras Bark, 8 Packages of Cetabs, 11 Packages of Fenugreek Tea, and 46 Packages of Borax Laxative Tablets, and a number of booklets. Default decree of con- demnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 12078. Sample Nos. 70727-F, 70728-F, 70767-F to 70771-F, incl.) LIBEL FILED: April 3, 1944, Western District of Washington. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: Between the approximate dates of July 15, 1942, and January 20, 1944, by LeLord Kordel and Ledford Kordel Products, from Chicago, Ill. PRODUCT: 141 packages of Fero-B-Plex, 4 packages of Minerals Plus, 9 pack- ages of sarsaparilla root TJ. S. P. with sassafras bark, "8 packages of Cetabs, 11 packages of Fenugreek Tea, 46 packages of BoLax Laxative Tablets, and a number of booklets, at Seattle, Wash. Analysis disclosed that the Fero-B-Plex contained iron, calcium, phos- phorus, vitamin Bi, vitamin B2, and niacin; that the Minerals Plus contained calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and vitamin D; that the sarsaparilla root U. S. P. with sassafras bark consisted essentially of sarsaparilla root and a small proportion of sassafras bark; that the Cetabs contained 31 milligrams of ascorbic acid per tablet; that the Fenugreek Tea consisted essentially of fenu- greek seeds; and that the BoLax Laxative Tablets consisted essentially of powdered plant material including laxative plant drugs such as senna and buckthorn. VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the following and similar statements in the labeling of the articles were false and misleading since they represented and implied that the articles would be of value in the treatment of arthritis, whereas they were not of value in the treatment of arthritis whether taken alone, in combination, or in conjunction with certain diets recommended in the labeling: (Booklet entitled "What You Can Do About Relieving the Agonies of Arthritis") "What You Can Do About Relieving the Agonies of ARTHRITIS * * * Practical and helpful advice for the millions who suffer from arthritis. * * * you may use diet and vitamins * * * to help speed relief and make life pleasanter for yourself. Relieving the Agonies of ARTHRITIS * * * Rivalling heart disease and cancer as a thing to be dreaded, arthritis stands near the head of the list of American afflictions. * * * Known variously as arthritis deformans, rheumatoid arthritis, atro- phic arthritis and infectious arthritis—to mention only a few aliases—this is the joint affection which is characterized, in its more advanced stages, by swelling and deformity of the joint, accompanied by some degree of immobility. Its symp- toms are easily recognized by those who know them, but, unfortunately, many people take them for mere momentary twinges and ignore their warning. This, incidentally, is one of the reasons for the great prevalence of arthritis in our country today. The American fault of putting off actions until driven to it—• our grasshopper complex—is to blame for the number of bedridden arthritics. This type of arthritis starts off with such a twinge in the joints—usually in the hands, but sometimes in the knees. But the unfortunate human race is, ap- parently, used to taking such pains for granted as an integral part of their existence. So they pay no attention. Over a period of weeks, months, or even years, the pains get progressively worse, spreading to other joints and becoming more and more persistent. Then, when the sufferer can no longer stand it, he goes to a physician, only to find that treatment is now a long and patience- trying task. Had the disease been caught at its inception, things would have been much easier and complete recovery more assured. * * * It used to be considered that all arthritis was caused by focal infections in the body: teeth, tonsils, appendix and so on were all looked at askance, and promptly removed. At present, however, benefitting from the experience of such wholesale but often unsuccessful operative treatment, we look elsewhere for causes. And im- mediately improper diet comes to light: underweight, overweight, anemia, toxemia and acid condition of the blood have all been found to be important contributing factors. * * * But, getting back to the dietary causes, we find a greater abundance of factors, and ones that are not so much subject to conjecture. Here we find many of the arch villains in our life today: sweets, condiments, coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco. With arthritis, carbohydrates such as contained in candies and other sweet things should be avoided like the plague; all spicy foods, too, must be omitted from the diet. It goes without saying that alcohol and tobacco—both of which are blood toxicants—must be eschewed. For this acid condition of the blood is one of the main contributing factors in cases of arthritis. Certainly, purity of the blood stream has been preached for so long now that it is surprising that one has to go on talking about it.. And coffee is another thing which leads to such a state—particularly if drunk with cream and sugar; for the caffein contained therein, if consumed to excess, is converted into uric acid, which in turn affects the blood when present in quantities. Starch foods are another thing to be done away with in the treatment of arthritis, as they also leave an acid ash. Thus, one finds that in combatting arthritis, it is essential to change the diet from one of acid-forming to alkaline-forming foods. Still another cause of rheumatoid arthritis has been found perhaps one of the most important factors among the many given: dis- turbed nutritional metabolism which is brought about by a deficiency of calcium phosphorus, and vitamin D and other essential minerals. As the calcium and phosphorus have been taken from other parts of the body to build up the cal- careous deposit between the two bones that form the joint, there is an uneven distribution of the two elements in the rest of the body. The other bones and the blood have been deprived by nature of their calcium in order to bring about immobility—hence some supposed degree of ease—in the grating joint, and this must be re-introduced by the consumption of calcium- and phosphorus-bearing foods. * * * Lack of vitamin C has been claimed, by some authorities, to have a bearing on arthritis cases. This, too, affects the bone development, and provides increased resistance to infection, so it is an important element in the course of treatment. * * * Since anemia is another thing to be considered when trying to overcome arthritis, * * * An iron-rich supplement is also recommended. One of the most effective preparations for a dietetic treatment of arthritis is to stop eating entirely for a while. This may sound ambiguous, but it is entirely sensible when you pause to consider the benefits to be derived therefrom! A day of fast completely frees the body of accumulated poisons and gives the specific arthritis diet clear ground in which to work. So, with this in mind, the first step is to take a small dose of a mild laxative when you go to bed the night before the day of fasting. Taken with plenty of water, this flushes out all extraneous matter from the colon, but does not panic the per- istaltic muscles. The following day, absolutely nothing should be taken into the system except pure distilled water. Drink as much of it as you can—a glass every hour. As it is distilled, it will gather up the unwanted impurities and undesirable mineral matter in the body. But, as a great deal of calcium and other minerals will be excreted during the course of the day, it is best that you take at least six concentrated mineral tablets. This will preclude the loss of the minerals that are so valuable to the arthritic person. That night, again take some of the mild laxative, and get plenty of sleep. * * * Here is the procedure for the Juice Purifying Diet: Night before: Two Dolan Tablets * * * Before retiring: Two Dolan Tablets This is both a good way to continue the purifying of the intestinal tract and a method by which the com- plete fast may be tapered off. For the* liquid part of it will continue to flush the colon, carrying away what impurities have managed to linger; yet the nutritive qualities of the fruits will benefit the system that has had no food without over- taxing the organs for whose benefit you started the fast: the stomach, liver and so forth. What's more, it has the highly desirable effect of alkalizing the sys- tem, a consummation devoutly to be wished in the treatment of arthritis. This, too, should be followed by the mild laxative upon retiring. Then, for a week, you continue the process of gradually breaking your fast by eating nothing but citrus] fruit,. apples, figs, pineapple, peaches, dates, berries—any fruit, in fact, except bananas. And continue to drink only distilled water, so as to get no elements other than those contained in the fruits themselves. This regime changes the intestinal flora, which is very beneficial in arthritis, and gives you more solid nourishment in preparation for a balanced diet. Needless to say, each night you should take the mild laxative in small doses. The next step in your program is to aid nature in stimulating the healing processes of the body. Without rapid healing, quick return to normal health is not easily possible. The Victory Healing Diet was designed to help accelerate the body's healing mechanism. Here is the procedure, to be followed to the letter for five days— less than five days will not give you the results you w?nt; more than five days is a waste of time. Upon arising: Cup of Lelord Kordel's specially-treated Sarsaparilla Tea (or mint tea); 6 Fero-B-Plex tablets. * * * Before re- tiring: Cup,of Lelord Kordel's Fenugreek Tea and two Dolan tablets. This is very important! * * * Care must be taken that sufficient vitamins are provided. Vitamin A—the anti-infection one—ought to be taken in large quantities, as it seems to help a great many cases of arthritis, particularly if they are such as have started from some focal infection like sinus trouble. Even more important are B, C and D. B—which is of benefit in any sort of infection, and particularly if it happens to be in the intestinal tract (arthritis is certainly partly due to a toxic state of the intestines)—should be included. This can be derived from peas, lima beans, wheat germ, yeast, soybeans, whole grains and egg yolks. It is also found, to a large extent, in cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Vitamin B Complex tablets are also recommended. * * * But fresh fruits and vegetables often do not furnish all the Vitamin C needed by the arthritic. If you think you are not getting enough vitamin C, we suggest a vitamin C con- centrate in tablet form. An excellent one is called Cetabs'. * * * plenty of vitamin D should be taken in order to enable the body to absorb the calcium which is to make up the deficiency characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. While on the subject of calcium, it is"" best to list those foods which are richest in it: Minerals-Plus * * * Thus the diet for arthritis is one in which all devitalized products are conspicuous by their absence. * * * Also, the „ arthritic should remember to drink a great deal of celery and cucumber juice during the course of each day— * * * This cocktail has the desirable property of being able to act as a solvent on the calcareous deposits which have been formed between the two bones of the affected joints, thus facilitating the return to motion. It is also wise to drink the juice of a fresh lime in a glass of distilled water every time you are thirsty. This is a good specific for arthritis. As the arthritic is forbidden meat protein * * * On the whole, though the diet emphasizes the alkaline fruits and vegetables, as can be seen by the follow- ing suggested skeleton menus which the patient can use: * * * Afternoon: * * * an herb tea like Lelord Kordel's Fenugreek Tea. * * * Before retiring: * * * Cup of strong Fenugreek Tea.. * * * Such a program as has" been outlined in this booklet, however, has been found to be most efficient in a great number of cases, and there is no reason to suppose that it won't do you a lot of good if followed faithfully, IMPORTANT Many arthritics have re- ported wonderful results by using an herb tea that seems to be a splendid specific in helping arthritis and other rheumatic ailments. A cup should be drunk every other night—before retiring. Here is how to make this herb tea: Take one level tablespoonful of Fenugreek Tea and one level teaspoonful of Black Cohosh Root. Steep for 5 minutes in a cupful of boiling hot water. Strain. Sweeten with a teaspoonful of uncooked orange blossom honey; add a teaspoon- ful of lemon juice. Drink while still quite warm, UPSET STOMACH? Sour Taste in Mouth? Belching? Gas Pains? Liver, Intestinal Irritations? on a Colitis or Ulcer Diet? Try FOE AMAZING BELIEF with FENUGREEK TEA FEN- UGREEK TEA * * * NOT A DBTTG! * * * Fenugreek Tea is 'A Cup of Good Health from the Good Earth' * * * helping to eliminate the poisons that foster stomach troubles. It acts quickly to stop gas pains, sourness and belching. * * * It often tends to make your liver more active and to clear away the old bile from your system. -Fenugreek Tea helps bring out gases and impurities which may have been inside you a long time. It will aid greatly in cleansing your bowels as they were never cleansed before—(gradually, not drastically or severely). It will help make your digestive organs sweet and clean. If your physician has placed you on an ulcer or colitis diet, you'll enjoy the soothing effects of Fenugreek Tea. * * * [Picture of stomach] The stomach lining is a series of small pits. Impurities cling in these pits, often causing serious disorders. The regular use of Fenugreek Tea will often help to cleanse these impurities. [Picture of intestinal tract] Headaches, backaches, and that tired-out feeling are often caused by toxic poisons that may enter the blood stream because of pockets of impurities in the intestinal tract. Use Fenugreek Tea daily. [Picture of liver] The liver, when sluggish and inactive, slows down the 'bile flow', causing headaches and lack of energy. Instead of using often harmful 'liver pills' try Fenugreek Tea—it's a natural herb product! [Picture of kidney] Impurities (acid and slime deposits) in kidneys are common causes of rheumatic and neuritis pains and general physical debility. 15 miles of tubing form the kidneys: try cleansing with Fenugreek! * * * FEN- UGREEK TEA . . . An excellent herb for cleaning out the stomach—re- tarding intestinal fermentation and gas formation * * * ." Fero-B-Plex, further misbranding, Section 403 (a), the statement, "Now Fortified with Calcium Phosphorous, and Copper," which appeared prominently on the fruit label, was misleading since it exaggerated the value of the article as a source of these minerals; and, Section 403 (j), the article purported to be and was represented as a food for special dietary uses by man by reason of its vitamin content, and its label failed to bear, as required by the regulations, a statement of the quantity of pantothenic acid, vitamin Be, biotin, and other B-complex factors natural to high-quality yeast, present in a specified quantity of the product when consumed during a period of 1 day, and it failed to bear a statement that the need in human nutrition for pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, and other B-complex factors natural to high-quality yeast, has not been established. The articles were also alleged to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to drugs, as reported in notices of judgment on drugs and devices, No. 1332. DISPOSITION: September 30, 1944. No claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the products and the* booklets were ordered destroyed.