8091. Adulteration and misbranding of Vita-Pure B-Complex Vitamins. U. S. v. 672 Cartons of Vita-Pure B-Complex Vitamins. Default decree of forfeiture and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 11737. Sample No. 47858-F.) LIBEL FILED: February 3, 1944, Western District of Arkansas. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about March 29, 1943, from Oklahoma City, Okla., by the Roisman Products Co. PRODUCT: 672 cartons, each containing 10 tablets, of the above-named product at El Dorado, Ark. Examination disclosed that the article contained 358 micrograms of riboflavin and not more than 166 U. S. P. units of thiamine chlo- ride (Bj) per tablet. VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402(b) (1), the article was 50 per- cent deficient in vitamin Bi and 28 percent deficient in riboflavin, which con- stituents had been in whole or in part omitted or abstracted from it. Misbranding, Section 403(a), the statements in the labeling, "Each tablet contains: Vitamin Bt (Thiamine Chloride) 333 U. S. P. Units Vitamin B2 (g) Riboflavin 500 Micrograms," and "1 tablet per day affords the average mini- mum requirements of adult persons," were false since the article did not con- tain the vitamin B* and riboflavin content stated, nor would one tablet a day afford the average minimum requirements of adult persons with respect to these two vitamins; and, Section 403 (j), the article purported to be a food for special dietary uses by reason of its vitamin content, and its label failed to bear such information concerning its vitamin properties as has been prescribed by regulations as necessary in order fully to inform purchasers as to its value for such uses, since such information appeared in a circular contained in the - carton but did not appear on the. label. Further misbranding, Section 403 (a), the following statements in the labeling were false and misleading since the article would not effect the results suggested or implied: (Display cards) "Symptoms Which May De- velop From Vitamin B Complex Deficiency Nervousness Loss of Appe- tite Skin Disorders Weakness Neuritis Constipation Fatigue Faulty Memory B-Complex Vitamins 1 tablet per day affords the average mini- mum requirements of adult persons"; (inserts contained in retail package) "When Vitamin B Complex is not supplied in adequate amounts the following are among the symptoms which may develop: Loss of Appetite Skin Dis- orders Mental Depression Nutritional Anemia Faulty Memory Nervous- ness Constipation Weakness Fatigue Neuritis The daily intake of Vita-Pure B Complex Vitamins entirely prevents and corrects these defi- ciency symptoms when due to the lack of Vitamin B Complex Vita-Pure Vitamins Help Keep You Feeling Fit No Need to Ration Your Health." The article was also alleged to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to drugs as reported in the notices of judgment on drugs' and devices, No. 1283. DISPOSITION: April 17, 1944. No claimant having appeared, judgment of forfeiture was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.