14500. Adulteration and misbranding of coal-tar colors. U. S. v. 14 Jars, etc. (F. D. C No. 24870. Sample Nos. 3845-K to 3852-K, incl.) LIBEL FILED : On or about August 20, 1948, Eastern District of Virginia. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about February 3, March 1, and April 6 and 9,1948, by the Chapman & Smith Co., from Chicago, Ill. PRODUCT: 53 4-ounce jars of various paste colors at Richmond, Va. LABEL IN PART: (Jar) "Rolling Pin Brand Green [or "Lemon Shade Yellow," "Blue," "Orange Shade," "Violet Shade," "Bright Red," "Decorative Brilliant Rose," or "Black"] Paste Color A Mixture of Certified Coal Tar Color * * * 4 Oz. When Packed." ATURE OF CHARGE : Adulteration, Section 402 a from batches that had be .. * i „ • , :i°n 4°3 (a)> the label sta*~ , was false and misleading since the article had not been cert.feed 38 ¦"-""algia ion, section 40*> (n\ I-K . the?*°'S »?"* fan for toes that had h"eel certify* Contained COa: 1 Sbrandmg' SeC"M *";£'^'!« ~ "Caked Coal Tar Color1 DISPOSITION f destruction January 11, 1Wa Default decree of condemnation and i INDEX TO NOTICES OF JUDGMENT tbsorbex C. PRODUCTS N. J. No. J - 14498 14498, 14499 F. N. J. NOS. 14301 TO 14500 Adcock nnVral-(animal £%? JJg» #ple-strawberry, apple-cherry, °° .fil-jand apple-grape jellies. 1444e Apples, canned...... H2TQ tjJS |£ehydrated -'-'I-.^ Egg Apricots, canned. __ illoi Wi.strained "-¦'*'- *-""""--.-- 14421 "&• food) N. J. No. with farina (baby Bibyfood }4446 tr artery products. I. _' V I^os-ii™ ' " *«i«» feed, ground 147 ^and-co^:.!43!21^S arawayVeed 14363-14371 Jjery. 14491 EH..:: 14448-14454 Ideals and "p""";: - - - 14491 fl(. «"u cereal products.__ 1 14305- JRCI% 14385-14389 »^™a™d;;;;;;:;;:-: }«g Wiss_ 14495 scores. eaVn'^" ::::- 14388 whole, dried 14395 frozen 14393,14394 Enriched flour 14342 Feeds and grains 14396-14400 Fish and shellfish 14401-14417 Flavors. See Spices, flavors, and seasoning materials. Flour 14326-14342 enriched 14342 Fruitcake, canned 14316 Fruits and vegetables 14301- 14304,14418-14479 fruit, canned 14418-14427 dried 14428-14436 fresh 14437,14438 frozen 14439-14443 miscellaneous fruit prod- ucts. 14301-14303, 14444- tomatoes and tomato prod- H-fYhT---1^ fas $$** colors 14371 S&22^--::--:::::. S j~? cake?ftveheese" W>ts, ' »coal-taV" 14387 rttfeetionerv ^ , and codW ee Chocolate ^les 0 fec4ionery. , ^-^f6 Cakes and cookies. • (1<308' l«*W. 14488) Probation -14446 v f tVU" uets 14304,14465-14479 vegetables and vegetable products 14447-14464 Grains. See Feeds and grains. Grape(s), dried 14429 jelly 14444 Grapefruit, fresh 14438 juice, pineapple and, blended- 14303 Green coal-tar color 14500 Greens, mustard, canned 14462 Herring, salt 14401 Ice cream and ice cream mix 14390 Jelly, apple-strawberry, apple- cherry, and apple-grape 14445 9.np 14444 , rock, canned 14415 meat, frozen 14414 contested. 14488 14315 14500 grape. Lobster,