18691.! Adulteration of dressed poultry, ill. S. v. 65 Crates; **;<*.! ?f BV J C. No,31333. Sample No. 24348-L.) ¦ runxii-.-.-^ Mxh ihKib LIBEL FILED : July 9, 1951, Southern-. > District of New York; amended libel filed August 8,1951. m J ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Qn; or about. June .30p 1951, by iR%ekland?and No.»^ Incl, from Rockland, Maine. * ¦- Tur .<>•¦¦:' ••[*:;ii*;y ,-.-:..n H'.•¦¦>! PRQDUQT :, 65 crates, each containing 74 pounds, of dressed? poultry .at New York, N. Y. Examination disclosed the presence of pellets of added ;diethylstilbes- trol in the edible portions of the birds. ,, ,, ,.,...,: ,,,,,,,; NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (2), the article contained-'an , added poisonous or deleterious substance, which was unsafe within the,mean- ingofthelaw. .'.,.. . DISPOSITION: August 30, 1951. t Rockland.Poultry Cp., Inc., claimant, having " Pohsehted to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation and tnecourt ordered that the product be released under bond for the purpose'of salvaging by Putting off the riePk of each bird and destroying the necks and by eviscerating each bird, under the supervision of the Federal Security Agency.