21822. Cheese. (F. D. C. No. 36200. S. Nos. 43-575 L, 43-577/8 L, 43-580 L.) QUANTITY: Approximately 1,439 lbs. at Oakland, Calif., in possession of the Buffum Cheese Co. SHIPPED : Between 1-16-53 and 10-19-53, from Chicago, Ill., Salt Lake City, Utah, Plymouth, Wis.., and Smithfleld, Utah. LIBELED : 12-22-53, N. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained rodent filth; and, 402 (a) (4)—held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 3-12-54. Consent—claimed by the Buffum Cheese Co.; 530 lbs. destroyed.