23191. Orvita. (F. D. C. No. 38954. S. No. 45-887 M.) QUANTITY : 65 cases, 24 8-oz. btls. each, and 6 cases, 12 1-pt. btls. each, at Philadelphia, Pa. SHIPPED : 9-19-51, from Los Angeles, Calif. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Analysis showed that the article contained less than the declared amount of vitamin A. LIBELED : 2-14-56, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE: 402 (b) (1)—a valuable constituent, vitamin A, had been in part omitted or abstracted from the article; and 403 (a)—the label statement "3 teaspoonsful contains * * * Vitamin A * * * 4000 U.S.P. Units" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 3-12-56. Default—destruction.