23406. Bakery products. (In. No. 114.) COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTION FILED: 9-21-45, Dist. Md., against Margaret T. Mclntyre, wa Mclntyre's Bakery, Westernport, Md., and J. Milton Mclntyre. CHARGE: The complaint alleged that since May 6, 1944, the defendants had operated a plant engaged in the manufacture and shipment in interstate com- merce of bakery products which were adulterated as follows: 402 (a) (3)—the articles consisted in part of a filthy substance; and 402 (a) (4)—the articles were manufactured under insanitary conditions. The complaint alleged also that various inspections and examinations had been made by representatives of the Food and Drug Administration; that the defendants had been warned to remedy the defects existing in their method of operating; and that despite such warnings, the defendants had continued to manufacture and ship in interstate commerce adulterated bakery products. DISPOSITION : On 10-19-45, the defendants having consented, the court entered a temporary injunction enjoining * the defendants against introducing into interstate commerce, bakery products adulterated as alleged in the complaint. On 9-16^47, after a hearing in the matter, an order was entered rescinding the temporary injunction and dismissing the proceedings. FLOUR