23624. Kibbled carob beans and carob bKans. (F. D. C. No. 39625. S. Nos. 24-610/11 M.) QUANTITY: 402 bags, 120 to 130 pounds each, of Kibbled carob beans and 12: 85-lb. bags of carob beans at Los Angeles, Calif. SHIPPED : 10-17-55, from Limassol, Cyprus. LIBELED : 11-13-56, S. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained insects, insect excreta, and webbing while held for sale. DISPOSITION : 1-4-57. Consent—claimed by El Molino Mills, Alhambra, Calif. Segregated; 5,192 lbs. denatured.