23643. Sesame seed. (F. D. C. No. 39416. S. No. 37-290 M.) QUANTITY : 2,100 100-lb. bags at New York, N. Y., in possession of Sun Ware- houses, Inc. SHIPPED: On or about 4-6-56, from El Salvador, Central America. LIBELED : 8-21-56, S. Dist. N. Y. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained rodent urine while held for sale; and 402 (a) <4)—held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 9-9-56. Consent—claimed by American Halvah Products Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Segregated; 871 bags found unfit and reconditioned by washing, husking, and rebagging.