23787. Oysters. (F. D. C. Nos. 39791,39792. S. Nos. 27-577/8 M.) QUANTITY : 3,300 pts. at Houston, Tex. SHIPPED: 11-25-56, from Amite, La., by Amite Oyster House. LABEL IN PART : "Amite Brand Fresh Shucked Oysters." LIBELED : 11-27-56, S. Dist. Tex. CHARGE: 402 (b) (2)—water had been substituted in part for oysters when shipped; and 402 (b) (4)—water had been added to the oysters and mixed and packed with them so as to increase their bulk or weight and reduce their quality. DISPOSITION: 11-30-56. Consent—delivered to charitable organizations for their use.