23959. Raisins, rice and unshelled mixed nuts. (F. D. C. No. 40120. S. Nos. 57-900/1 M, 57-903 M.) QUANTITY : 13 30-lb. boxes of raisins, 6 100-lb. bags of rice and 51 cases, 24 1-lb. bags each, of unshelled mixed nuts at Orlando, Fla., in possession of Thomas & Howard Co. SHIPPED: Between 8-25-56 and 2-14-57, from San Francisco and Modesto, Calif., and De Witt, Ark. LIBELED : 4-4-57, S. Dist. Fla. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—the raisins contained insects, the nuts contained in- sects and decomposed nuts, and the rice contained bird excreta; and 402 (a) (4) —the raisins were held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 6-12-57. Default—destruction. FRESH FRUIT