24044. Dressed poultry. (In. No. 299.) COMPLAINT POK INJUNCTION FILED: 4-13-56, M. Dist. N. C, against John W. Burwell, Jr. wa Modern Poultry Co., High Point, N. C. CHARGE : The complaint alleged that the defendant was engaged in preparing and distributing dressed and drawn and New York dressed poultry, and had been and was causing to be introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce such poultry which was adulterated within the meaning of 402 (a) (3) and (4) by reason of the presence in the poultry of fecal material, crop material, intestines, and other filthy material, and by reason of the preparation, packing, and holding of the poultry at the defendant's plant under insanitary conditions. It was alleged further that the insanitary conditions resulted from and consisted of the method of making the abdominal cut which severs the intes- tines, causing fecal material to be spread over the inside of the body cavity, the preparation of the birds in an improper manner, allowing the retention of the trachea, ventriculus, reproductive organs, or offal, which might contami- nate the poultry, the presence of feathers, gizzard linings, lungs, and other miscellaneous dirt and debris on the floors and walls of the plant, and general carelessness on the part of the defendant and his employees. The complaint alleged further that the defendant was well aware that his activities were in violation of the law; that various inspections had been made of the defendant's plant by the Food and Drug Administration; that a Notice of Hearing pursuant to Section 305 had been issued to the defendant in 1955; and that despite such warnings, the defendant failed to correct the insanitary conditions in the plant and continued to introduce into interstate commerce poultry which was adulterated as described above. DISPOSITION : On 4r-13-56, the court entered a temporary restraining order en- joining the defendant against the acts complained of. On 4-20-56, the defend- ant having consented, the court entered a decree perpetually enjoining and restraining the defendant from directly or indirectly causing to be introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, poultry or any other such article which was adulterated as alleged in the complaint.