24193. Canned spinach (dietetic). (F. D. C No. 4064a S. No. 49-185 M.) QUANTITY: 155 cases, 24 No. 303 cans each, at Chicago, Ill. SHIPPED: 6-28-57, from Alma, Ark., by Alma Canning Co. LABEL IN PART: "Cella Contents 1 Lb. Spinach * * * Sodium * * * Eggs. in 100 grams 55 * * * Sodium * -* * Eggs. in % cup 66 * * * Special Purpose Food * * * Packed without added sugar or salt in order that they may be used for diets wherein sugar or salt content are limited and for use in quanti- tative diets for which the food analysis must be known." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the article contained 134 to 245 percent of the declared amount of sodium, or in excess of 55 milligrams per 100 grams. LIBELED: 9-12-57, N. Dist. Ill. CHARGE: 403 (a)—when shipped, the label statements "Sodium * * * mg. in 100 grams 55" and "Sodium * * * mg. in % cup 66" were false and mis- leading as applied to a product that contained substantially higher amounts of sodium. DISPOSITION : 10-10-57. Default—destruction.