24297. Chocolate-flavored sirup (3 seizure actions). (F. D. & Nos. 40048, 40049, 40©50. S. Nos. 33-653 M, 58-^53 M, 58-4^43 M.) QUANTITY: 19 cases, ,12 2^-lb. jars each, at Warrensburg, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, Mo. SHIPPED : 1-25-57 and 2-20-57, from lola, Kans.^ by Sifers Chocolate Syrup Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Jar) "New Sifers Homogenized Chocolate Flavored Syrup." LIBELED : 3-14-57, W. Dist. Mo. CHARGE : 402 (a) (3)—contained insect larvae, insects, insect parts, and rodent hairs when shipped. ^DISPOSITION : 5-2-57. Default—destruction.