25497. Oysters. (F.D.C. No. 42573. S. No. 35-250 P.) QUANTITY : 144 cans at Yeadon, Pa. SHIPPED : 12-9-58, from Baltimore, Md., by Bay Food Products. LABEL IN PART : "Capt. John's Fresh Oysters % U.S. Liquid Pint The Great A & P Tea Co., New York, New York, Distributors." LIBELED : 12-12-58, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE : 403(g) (1)—when shipped, the article purported to be and was repre- sented as raw oyster eounts, a food for which a definition and standard of identity has been prescribed by regulations, and the article failed to conform to such definition and standard which provides that raw oyster counts are of such size that one gallon contains not more than 160 oysters and a quart of the smallest oysters selected therefrom contains not more than 44 oysters. The oysters of the article were of such size that one gallon contained 256 oysters and a quart of the smallest oysters selected from one gallon contained 102 oysters. DISPOSITION: 12-18-58. Default—destruction.