25557. Flour, rice, and batter mix. (F.D.C, No. 41752. &. Nos. 39-317 M, 77-197 :M,77-201M,77-399Mr2*262P.) ;.. INFORMATION FILED: 12-8-58, N. Dist. Ga., against Lanier,Bros., a partner-; ; ship, Atlanta, Ga., Emery S. Lanier, Jr., manager, and W. H. Childress, ware-, house manager of the firm. SHIPPED : Between. 7-26-56 and .1-16-58,:the; defendants caused quantities of flour, rice, and batter mix, while held for sale after shipment in, interstate commerce, to be placed in a building accessible to, and infested with, insects and rodents and to be exposed tp contamination brin acts:andarodents, which acts resulted in the articles being adulterated. CHARGE: 402(a)(3)—contained insects; and 402(a)(4)—held under insani- tary conditions. ^ -^.,,/•,,-. .,? *¦-• <• BLEA:; Nplp contendere; DISPOSITION: 1-21-59. Childress—was fined $50; and Emery Lanier, Jr.--was placed pn;probation for 2;years. v - - 25558. Flour; ^F.D.0. No. 42146. S.No. 28-942/3 P.) v QUANTITY: 682 25-ibl bags at Tupelo, Miss., in possession of L. P. McCarty &;Sari. ' ¦'"' y "l "y ';;: X:.''.'.''[:~\. ':'"'' "' ' ,; ;" SHIPPED: 8-12-58, from Mt. Vernon, Ind. i T,','.1 LIBELED: 10-22-58, N. Dist. Miss. . CHARGE : 402 (a)(3) —contained rodent urine; and,, 402 (a) (4) —held under in- sanitary conditions. DISPOSITION: 1-29-59. Default—destruction.