26736. Iodine preparation. (F.D.O. No. 43937. S. No. 77-694 P.) QUANTITY: 2 5-gal. containers aud 1 fluid oz. btl. at Cleveland, Ohio, in pos- session of Inorganic Bioelements, Inc. SHIPPED : 3-6-59 and 8-27-59, from Oak Ridge, Tenn., by Martin Anderson Co. LABEL IN PART: (5-gal. containers) "Amidal An Iodine Preparation Active Ingredients: Edible Proteins consisting of Gelatin, Extract of Algae and Pepsin, and 5% of Iodine in the form of Sodium Compounds, including Sodium Iodide, Sodium Iodate, and Sodium Hypoiodite. Indicated as a source of iodine for nutritional purposes and for the prevention of goiter, in animals. Directions: * * * y2 Fluid Gallon Distributed By Inorganic Bioelements, Inc. * * * Cleveland 10, Ohio"; and (btl.) "Amio 5% Nutritional Iodine Prep- aration for Human Use * * * Inorganic Bioelements, Inc., Cleveland 10, Ohio Distributor." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Literature and leaflets entitled "The Importance of Iodine in the Nutrition of Farm Animals," and "The Importance of Iodine in Nutrition" and a number of loose "Amino" and "Amidal" labels. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Analysis showed that the article of (5-gal. con- tainers) contained 1.42 percent free iodine and a total iodine content of 5.20 percent, and (btl.) 0.68 percent free iodine and a total iodine content of 5.82 percent. The bottle was repacked and labeled by the dealer from the 5-gal. containers shipped as described above. LIBELED : 12-4-59, N. Dist. Ohio. CHARGE: 403(a)—when shipped and while held for sale, the label statement of the article (btl.) "5% Nutritional Iodine" and "One Drop of Amino con- tains 3.5 milligrams Iodine, equivalent to seven times the minimum daily requirement for adults and children," was false and misleading since the article contained more than 5 percent iodine and 3.5 milligrams iodine will supply 35 times the minimum daily requirement for iodine; and 403(e) (2) — the article (5-gal. container) failed to bear an accurate statement of the quantity of contents since the label statement "% Fluid Gallon" was inaccurate. The libel charged also that the article was misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to drugs and devices as reported in notices of judgment on drugs and devices, No. 6060. DISPOSITION : 1-18-60. Default—destruction.