27700. Nonfat dry milk, dried Great Northern beans, and dried cranberry bKans. (F.D.C. No. 46623. S. Nos. 326/30 T.) QUANTITY: 49 50-lb. bags of nonfat dry milk; 38 100-lb. bags of Great Northern beans; and 15 cases, 24 1-lb. bags each, of cranberry beans, at Charlotte, N.C, in possession of W. J. Edwards & Co. SHIPPED : Between 11-2-60 and 1-6-61, from Imlay City, Mich., and Eaton, Ind. LIBELED : 11-9-61, W. Dist. N.C. CHARGE : 402(a) (3)—contained insects ; and 402 (a) (4)—held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 12-14-61. Default—destruction. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CANNED FRUIT*