28098* Honey (dietary)* (F.D.C.Now45504. S.Nos. 50-218/47JE.) J: i. Q^ITANTITT:1 145 cases of 12 l-H):its,i8^;ca^es-of"i2::;2^1b;'\3ar,s',;4TcaWeg of 12 0 5-lb. tins; and 6 cases of 24 :2%A\)l tins; at Denver, (3616. ; ' u ' ' SHIPPED i QV various'' dates between and '2-8-61, from Jtos Angeles, Calif'., by Western Commerce Corp.' LABEL IN PART: .¦-.(Jars) "HeathFood Special Brandr*.,*¦& Pure .Aquinaldo, [or "Algarroba," "Alfalfa," "Avocado,"; "Buckwheat,^ J Cacfcus,^:! f ICloyer,", 'JEu- ,galyptus,'',"Mesauite,";"Mountain," "Orange,!' VSafflpwer,"I Sage,"; "Star Tbs- p.the,tTupelo," or ^Wild Flower."];; Honey * ,* * Packed;b^ Qaljtfprnia 01w^& Honey Co., Los Angeles, Calif." and (tins) "Health Food Spejcifti Brand ,*,.*>* 100% Pure Honey Alfalfa [or "Algorraba/'"Abucada," "Buckwheat," "Cactus/', "Clover," "Eucalyptus," "Mountain/' "Orange," "Safflower,""Sage/' ' ''Star' Thistle," "Wildflower," depot Odor,": or. "Wild Honey?']: Western Commerce:: ,jCprp. r Los Angeles 23, California." LIBELED: 3-17-61, Dist. Colo. , ;, ; i; CHARGE :>, ;403 (j) iwhen shipped; the article purported to be and was represented • _ as afopd for special dietary use* and its labels failed to bear, as required ]>y: : regulations, a, statement of the dietary properties, upon which such use was jbasedjinwhpleorjnpart. \ \, '..¦ v. • ¦ . j,;.-.. : •/, . /; ^he/Ubel.alleged also that the? article, together with certain other articles, * was misbisaaided under; the provisions of the Act relating to drugs as reported in .npticesjof judgment on drugs and-deviees,rNo. 6729. .: r; / -.: u^ ;. ^ «un- i » ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Leaflet entitled "Coldene Liquid Cold Medicine.*'" '] RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION: Analysis showed that portions of the article con- tained approximately]/<58, percent Do 63 percent of thejdeclared amount of riboflavin. LIBELED : 5-3-61, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE: 402(b) (1)—when shipped arid' while'held for sale, the valuable cpk- Stituerit, riboflaviii, had been in part omitted or-abstracted from-the'article; ' lost the label statement "Each fluid bz. (2 tablespoonfulsy contains: * *; * Riboflavin (Ba) 4 mg." was false and misleading as applied to an article which '" contained less than the declared amount of riboflavin; 403"Ca)—the label statements ^.b-R/fbr Niaciriaraide ^'"* ''*' not established" and "'^eecTifrfrri- . man nutrition for '* * * Methionine is not established" were false ariiii mis- leading since they' v^eire. contrary to fact; 403 (j)—thearticle "purported to be . -. and was represented asfa food for special dietary use audits'.i'ibeLJailed.,to .i 'bear, as required by regjjl ipn?, a statement pf the prppoitipn of the minimum daily requirement for vitamins Ri ^(thiaminpi,.„B2 • j^ribpfi^in.), and-iaiacina- mide, and for iron, suppliedby such food when consumed^iri. a speqifledquant^y 9i^during the period olpne.day. ~ ..The article was alleged also to be misbranded under the provisions of the ! law applicable to drugs, as reported in notices of judgment on drugs arid .devices, No. 6732. '¦¦'¦[¦[ - •.,: "¦".,,¦¦ v~-' '¦¦'^.:'i DISPOSITION: 9-13-61.. D.efault-T-destruction. .and;-..; >u .;;//::;;* 2810JO. Vita-Peutic tablets, Conciecaps capsules, Conciecaps No. 2 tablets, and ^ Folitinic tablets. ,,(F,iQ.C,;NO.i 45954. S. Nos. 79-511/3 $,79-515.R.) XQITANTITT: 9. ctns, of 12 30-tablet'btls< each, 18 ctns, of. 12 60-tablet.btls. each, and 11 ctns. of 12 100-tablet btls, each, of VitarPeutie tablets;,:il T ctns. of 12 100-capsule,.btls. each, of Conciecaps; 38 ctns,..of 12 100-tablet wbtls. each, of Conciecaps No. 2; 10 ctns; of 12 100-tablet btls. each of.¦¦J'oli- : tinic, at Arlington, Va. ;:SHIPPED: Between 4-5-57 and 5-26-60, from Philadelphia, Pa. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Vita-Peutic Tabletst Improved with Vitamin Bus * * * distributed byf Arleb Drug Co. * * * Each Tablet Contains: * * * Folic Acid .0.5 mg. *¦*'* Dose: One or Two Tablets Daily"; (btl.) "Conciecaps Arlco A" dietary supplement supplying Vitamin B1? B2 D, Calcium, Iron and other minerals, needed particularly during pregnancy and lactation. Dose: One Apr two capsules three times daily * * * Each Capsule Contains: * * * Folic Acid 0.17 mg.";; (btl.) "Arlco Conciecaps No. 2 A Dietary Supplement For Pregnant and Lactating "Women Dose: 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day * * * Dist Arlco Drug Co., P.O.. Box 451 Arlington, Va. * * * Each [[;f;Tabi on:tains: * * * Folic Acid 0:33 mg."; (btl.) "S:C. Red!8 Tablets Folitinic Arlco * * * as a dietary suppieirierit in the treatment of hypo- ; Chromic or rtutritional anemia. Distributors Arlco Drug Co. *'*' * The Daily |a ;JDPse of Three Tablets Cbritairi The Follpwihg: * * * Folic Acid^mgl"^-;: traveled:6-i9-61, E. ' Disk'Va. .,„!"'"'' ':INT. " ,^.,,.7,^^^^'' GaAEGE:. 402(a) (2) (C)—while; held for sale, the articles contained ia, fpod '•^additive, namely, folic acid,;which was unsafe within the meaning of 409. The libel alleged also that another article was misbranded under the provisions of the Act relating to drugs as reported in notices of judgment on drugs and devices, No. 6708. DISPOSITION: 7-6-61. Consent—claimed by Arlco Drug Co., Arlington, Va., and relabeled. INDEX TO NOTICES OF JUDGMENT F.N.J. NOS. 28001 TO 28100 PRODUCTS N.J. No. Almonds, shelled 28091,28092 sliced 28093 Apple(s), dried 28074,28075 juice 28076 Bakery mixes 28031 Batter mix 28057 Beans, black-eyed, dried. See Peas, black-eyed, dried. lima, canned 28080 Beets, sliced, canned 28082 Beverages and beverage mate- rials 28001-28009, 28076-28078 Black-eyed peas, dried 28023 Breader 28057 Brewer's rice 28060 Bruwheat 28061 Candy. See Confectionery. Cauliflower, in brine 28089 Cereals and cereal products 28010- 28061 Chamomile flowers 28091 Cherries, brined 28079 Cherry peppers (pickles) 28087 Chickpeas 28085,28086 Chocolate coating 28062 Coffee and chicory blend 28001, 28002 instant 28004,28005 roasted 28003 Coldene vitamin tonic with iron- 28099 Coneieeaps capsules 28100 No. 2 tablets 28100 Confectionery 28063-28065,28059 Cornmeal 28013,28033,28034 Cucumbers, fresh 28090 Donut base 28028 centers 28059 mix 28028,28057 Dough base, sweet 28028 Eggs, frozen 28070-28073 Flour 28010-28027 compound, pre-duster 28057 pastry 28017 potato , 28027 N.J. No. Folitinic tablets 28100 Fruits and vegetables 28074-28090 fruit, dried 28074,28075 miscellaneous fruit products- 28076- 28079 vegetables and vegetable prod- ucts 28080-28090 Gherkins, sweet 28089 Hadacol capsules 28096,28097 Hominy grits 28056 Honey (dietary) 28098 Lima beans, canned 28080 Milk, non-fat, dry 28031 Mix(es), bakery 28031 donut 28028,28057 Gold-N-Doh 28031 sweet Dohmix 28031 Muffins, English 28059 Muscatel wine 28007 Mushrooms, canned 28083 Non-fat dry milk 28031 Nuts 28091-28094 Olives 28088 Orange juice 28078 frozen, concentrated 28077 Pastry flour 28017 Peas, black-eyed, dried 28023 pigeon 28086 Peppers, cherry (pickles) 28087 Pigeon peas 28086 Popcorn bunnies 28058 Port wine 28007 white 28009 Potato (es), shoestring, canned— 28084 flour 28027 Relish, sweet 28089,28090 Rice 28029-28039,28056 brewer's 28060 Rolls 28059 Sherry wine 28009 Sugar 2 28066 cane 28067 corn 28068 sweeps 28069