28194. Calvitran capsules. (F.D.C. No. 47031. S. No. 17-352 T.) QUANTITY : 6 eases:, 48 btls. each, at Chattanooga, Tenn. SHIPPED : 5-13-59, from Long Island City, N.Y. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Calvitran Phosphorous Free A Vitamin and Mineral Supplement For Use in Prenatal care and Lactation. Each Captab Contains * * * Folic Acid 1 mg." LIBELED : 2-12-62, E. Dist. Tenn. CHARGE: 402(a)(2)(C)—while held for sale, the article contained a food additive, namely, folic acid, which is unsafe within the meaning of 409, since it and its use or intended use were not in conformity with a regulation or exemption in effect pursuant to 409. DISPOSITION : 4-19-62. Default—destruction.