1. 8576. Misbranding of Gauvin's Cough Syrup. U. S. v. 11 Dozen Bottles, 4 Dozen Bottles, 50 Dozen Bottles, and 11 Dosen Bottles of Gauvin's Cough Syrup. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: J. A. E. Gauvin, Lowell, Mass. Issue Dates: April 25, 1921
2. 8579. Misbranding of Sirop D'Aniz (Sirup of Anise). U. S. v. 5 Dozen, 23, 112, 28, and 9 Dozen Bottles of Sirop D'Aniz. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: J. A. E. Gauvin, Lowell, Mass. Issue Dates: April 25, 1921