1. 9343. Adulteration and misbranding of Wood's Special Concentrated Sweetener. U. S. v. One Can of Wood's Special Concentrated Sweetener. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: W. B. Wood Mfg. Co. Issue Dates: September 24, 1921
2. 9329. Adulteration of coal-tar color. U. S. v. 5 Cans, 3 Cans and 1 Can of Coal-Tar Color. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: W. B. Wood Mfg. Co. Issue Dates: September 24, 1921
3. 9327. Adulteration of coal-tar color, U. S. v. 1 3/4 Pounds of Coal-Tar Color . Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. Defendants: W. B. Wood Mfg. Co. Issue Dates: September 24, 1921