1. 7954. Adulteration of zwieback and rye hardtack. U. S. v. 1,080 Packages of Zwieback and 260 Packages of Rye Hardtack. Default decree of forfeiture. Products ordered delivered to a public institution, to be denatured and used for animal feed. Defendants: Ser Baking Co. Issue Dates: March 1946
2. 8527. Adulteration of rye wafers (hardtack). U. S. v. 160 Cartons of Rye Wafers (and 3 other seizure actions against rye wafers). Decrees of condemnation and destruction. Defendants: Ser Baking Co. Issue Dates: July 1946
3. 9616. Adulteration of rye knackebrod and rye hardtack. U. S. v. 88 Cases of Rye Knackebrod and 72 Cartons of Rye Hardtack. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. Defendants: Ser Baking Co. Issue Dates: October 1947