The FDA Notices of Judgment Collection is a digital archive of the published federal notices of judgment (a summary of the final outcome of a court case) for manufacturers and products prosecuted under authority of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. The judgments summarize the government's case about a product's adulteration or misbranding and the court's decision. Four categories exist:

  • Foods and Drugs, 1908-1943
  • Drugs and Devices, 1940-1963
  • Cosmetics, 1940-1964
  • Foods, 1940-1966

Evidence Files Archival Collection

The Notices of Judgment are resources in themselves, but also lead users to a physical collection of the evidence files used to prosecute each case. An archival collection consisting of over 2,100 boxes of correspondence, legal records, lab reports, product labeling, photographs and other documentary evidence accumulated in case files by federal attorneys is also available for research. The evidence files are controlled by the various Sample, S., or IS evidence file numbers found in the Notices' Evidence Numbers metadata field and are organized roughly by date.

Kellogg's PEP cereal box sample, 1959, Foods Sub-Collection

Advertisement for Bromo Seltzer, 1939, Food and Drugs Sub-Collection