775. Adulteration and misbranding of sodium cacodylate solution, alkaline compound powder, calcium gluconate compound solution, diuretic powder canine worm tablets, liquid nux vomica alkaloids, and tonic powder; and misbranding of Aresnol Compound Powder, glucose solution, potassium arsenite compound tablets, santonin-calomel tablets, Gualadine Tablets, Conjunctivities #1 Tablets, and tetrachlorethylene capsules. U. S. v. Peerles Serum Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $105 and costs.
Case Number:
Drugs and Devices, 1940-1963
Evidence Numbers:
F. D. C. No. 555. Sample Nos. 43057-F to 43059-F. incl. 43061-K 43063-K to 43065-E incl. , 43067-E, 43069-E, 43074-E to 43076-E, incl. , 43078-E, 43079-E.
Date Issued:
September 1943
Seizure Dates:
August 16 to October 25, 1940
Product Keywords:
sodium cacodylate solution, alkaline compound powder, calcium gluconate compound solution, diuretic powder canine worm tablets, liquid nux vomica alkaloids, and tonic powder; and misbranding of Aresnol Compound Powder, glucose solution, potassium arsenite compound tablets, santonin-calomel tablets, Gualadine Tablets, Conjunctivities #1 Tablets, and tetrachlorethylene capsules
Defendant Names:
Peerless Serum Co., a corporation having a place of business at Kansas City, Kans.
Court Jurisdiction:
District of Kansas
Seizure Location:
Shipped From:
Shipped To:
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