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Product Keywords
- (1) Fluid Ex. Stramonium; (2) Sol Ammonium Acetate (Spirit of Mindererus) ; (3) No. 638 Spirit Nitrous Ether; (4) Spirit Ammonia Arom.; (5) Syrup Hydriodlc Acid; (6) Tincture Cinchona Compound; (7) No. 187 Elixir Glycerophosphates Compound; (8) Compressed Tablets 500 Tio. 1050 Alkens Tonic; (9) Fluid Extract Belladonna Leaves; (10) Fluid Extract Belladonna Root; (11) Fluid Extract Hyoscyamus1
- (1) Stearns' Astringosol; (2) Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy; (3) Frese's Hamburg Tea; (4) Garfield Tea or Stlllman's Liver and Kidney Remedy; (5) Grantillas; (6) Dr. J. H. McLean's Universal Liver Pills; (7) Chamberlain's Salve; (8) Dr. Hobson's Whooping Cough Syrup; (9) Hobo Kidney and Bladder Remedy; (10) Ki-La-Ga; (11) Lee's Creo-Lyptus; (12) Requa's Charcoal Tablets; (13) Vinco Herb Tablets1
- Acco Aspirin Tablets1
- Alabin1
- American Desert Tea1
- Anti Headache Tablets1
- Antiseptic Capsules and misbranding of Special Treatment for Diabetics and Gold Seal Vegetable Compound for Women1
- Atholin1
- Bostwick's White Pine Cough Syrup1
- Candy Worm Expeller1
- Cox-Cis2
- Cutler's Blood Pure Powders1
- Devonshire's Earth Salts1
- Ditman's Sea Salt1
- Dovola Ointment Zinc Oxide, Dovola Throat Gargle, Dovola Milk Magnesia, Dovola Mouth Wash, and Dovola Wild Cherry Expectorant? and misbranding of Dovola Carbolic Salve, Cod Liver Oil, Dovola Vegetable Laxative Tablets, Dovola Special Tonic Pills, Healddlne Health Salts, Dovola Analgesic Balm, Dovola Eczema Ointment, Dovola Special Pills, Dovola Witch Hazel Salve, and Dovola Creol1
- Dr. Ehrlich's Nerve Tonic and Sedative, Dr. Ehrlich's Tonic and Blood Purifier, and Dr. Ehrlich's Kidney and Bladder Medicine1
- Dr. Goudy's Magic Liniment1
- Dr. Hildebrand's Gall Stone Capsules and Granzow's Tonic Tablets1
- Dr. Hubbel's Formula1
- Dr. Rainey's Vitality Tablets and Dr. Rainey's Laxative Tablets1