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- Akron Candy Co.1
- Aram E. Attarian, trading as Tower Candy Co.1
- Associated Foods, Inc.1
- Close & Co.1
- F. M. Paist Co.1
- Francis C. Schingen, trading as Schingen Candies1
- Francis C. Schingen, trading as the Standard Candy Co.1
- J. Ralph Kirkley, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., and Simon I. Leon, president of the corporation1
- J. Ralph Kirkley, Inc., a corporation, Philadelphia, Pa., and Simon I. Leon, president of the corporation.1
- J. Schwartz & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., and Jacob Schwartz and Victor Schwartz, partners1
- Just Born, Inc.1
- Louis Heidelberger, Gustav Heidelberger, and Heidelberger Confectionery Co., Inc.1
- Luden's, Inc.1
- M. Cohen & Co.1
- Marvel Novelty Co.1
- Max M. Leon, trading as the Whole-Sum Products Co.1
- Milk Maid Candy Co.1
- Nishan Androyan, trading as Eastern Candy Co.1
- Ph. Wunderle, Inc.1
- Phoenix Candy Co.1