- Breeden Poultry & Egg Co.1
- Brighton Fish Co.1
- Brown Produce Co.1
- Burnham & Morrill Co.1
- C. H. Runciman Co.1
- Caroline Poultry Farms, Inc., Federalsburg, Md.1
- Casanova Chocolate Co., Inc.1
- Casey's Cakes & Cookies, Inc., Evanston, Ill., and Casimir Olechnowicz, president of the corporation1
- Chaimson & Robinson Co., Inc.1
- Charland Candy Mfg. Co.1
- Charles Freihofer Baking Co., Inc., Troy, N. Y., and Charles F. Freihofer, a vice president, and Edwin H. Freihofer, Jr., treasurer and production manager1
- Charles H. Traylor, Jr., at the time of the alleged shipment, president of the Pocahontas Poultry Co., Inc., Wakefield, Va.1
- Clark Sea Food Co.1
- Clement Pappas & Co.1
- Clyde Olson1
- Codorus Canning Co.1
- Colosse Cheese & Butter Co., Inc., Parish, N. Y., and John F. Tamara, manager1
- Commander-Larabee Milling Co.1
- Comstock Foods, Inc.1
- Crawford Sauerkraut Co., a partnership, Port Gibson, N. Y., and James C. Crawford, a partner1