- Farmers Producers Ass'n1
- French-Bauer, Inc.1
- Harold A. Hamilton, trading as the Eldorado Creamery Company, Eldorado, Ohio1
- Highland Creamery Co.1
- John H. Armleder, trading as Armleder Dairy Co.1
- John Porter Castleberry, trading as Cedar Hill Farms1
- John Wuethrich Creamery Co.1
- Joseph A. Hyest, trading as the Cloverland Dairy, Flushing, Ohio.1
- Kyle Creamery Assn.1
- Linwood Creamery1
- Merchants Creamery Co., Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Edwin A. Bischoff, president1
- Pickerington Creamery Co., Inc.1
- Pickerington Creamery, Inc.1
- Pickerington Creamery, Inc., and Arthur J. Good1
- Producers Dairy Marketing Association1
- Quaker City Co-Operative Creamery Co., a corporation, Quaker City, Ohio, and Ira W. Hartley, secretary and treasurer of the corporation1
- Quaker City Cooperative Creamery Co.1
- S. S. Borden Co.1
- Schlosser Bros.1
- Springfield Creamery Co.1