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- A. W. Sisk & Son4
- Armour & Co.3
- Denison Poultry & Egg Co.2
- Fettig Canning Corp.2
- Hinton Food Products Co.2
- Rosenberg Bros. & Co.2
- Stokely-Van Camp, Inc.2
- Swift & Co.2
- A. L. Bazzini Co.1
- Acker Pecan & Produce Co.1
- Alamo Candy Co.1
- American Cone & Pretzel Co.1
- Anthony Macaroni A. Cracker Co.1
- Argyle Laboratories, a partnership, New York, N. Y., and Henry F. Maxwell and Eugene Munk, partners in the partnership1
- Associated Foods Co.1
- Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co.1
- Atlas Import & Export Corp.1
- Banner Mill Co., Inc.1
- Belt's Wharf Warehouses, Inc.1
- Benlo Chemicals1