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- A. D. Swindell & Co.1
- A. Jackson Booth1
- A. W. Feeser & Co., Inc.1
- A. W. Sisk & Son1
- Addison Laboratories.1
- Albemarle Peanut Co., Inc.1
- Albermarle Peanut Co., Inc.1
- Alpha Aromatics, Inc.1
- Aster Nut Products, Inc.1
- Balanced Foods, Inc.1
- Bell Drugs, Inc., Arlington,Va., Arthur Salus (president and treasurer of the corporation), and TheodoreiCasey Moore (pharmacist).1
- Blumenthal Bros. Chocolate Co.1
- Brinkley & Co., Inc.1
- Brock Candy Co.1
- Brokay Products1
- Brooks Milling Co.1
- Buffington & Ward, Inc.2
- Bush Bros. & Co.1
- California Almond Growers Exchange1
- Cardinal Thermometer Co.1