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- Albert W. Sisk & Son2
- C. L. Crum2
- C. U. McClellan Laboratories Corp., from Los Angeles, Calif.2
- LePelley's West Coast Candy Co.2
- Acme Poultry Corp.1
- Adolphus Rice Mills, Inc.1
- Anna Myer's Pure Foods, Inc.1
- Armour & Co.1
- Armour Laboratories, from Chicago, Ill. .1
- Ashley's, Inc.1
- Atlantic Wholesale Grocery Co.1
- Baltimore Spice Co.1
- Blair Milling Co.1
- Bonded Laboratories, Inc., from Brooklyn, N. Y.1
- C. W. Dunnet & Co.1
- C. W. Howeth & Bro.1
- Calvin H. Garner, a pharmacist, employed at the Earl Burns Drugs store, Sweetwater, Tex.1
- Caroline Poultry Farms, Inc.1
- Central Drug Co., a corporation, Steubenville, Ohio, Oscar W. Howser, pharmacist and president of the corporation, and Allen T. Howser, pharmacist and secretary-treasurer of the corporation.1
- Charles T. Wilson Co., Inc.1