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- 1871. Adulteration and misbranding of candy. U. S. v. 421 Boxes of Chocolate-Covered Cherries and 99 Cases of Lemon Drops. Decrees of condemnation and destruction.1
- 20119 Adulteration of marshmallow marble candy. U. S. v. 32 Boxes of National Marshmallow Marble Candy. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction.1
- 29555. Adulteration of candy. U. S. v. 18 Boxes of Candy. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 29989. Adulteration of candy. U. S. v. 34 1/2 Cartons of Candy. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 30410. Adulteration of candy. U. S. y. Nine Cartons of Candy. Default decree of condemnation and destruction.1
- 7057. Adulteration of chocolate-covered peanuts. U. S. v. National Candy Co., Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $400.1