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- 2351. Doctor's Prescription Rx 7-11. U. S. v. 11 Bottles, etc.1
- 2352. Misbranding of penicillin sodium. U. S. v. 77 Cartons, etc.1
- 2353. Action to enjoin and restrain the Interstate shipment of 'West's Imported Sea Vegetable Tablets and various other drugs. U. S. v. Mineralized Foods, Inc. (Sea Vegetation Import Co.), and Nathan S. West. Consent decree granting injunction.1
- 2354. Action to enjoin and restrain the Interstate shipment of a drug known as "Dr. Haller's Prescription 5,000" or "Dr. Haller's Prescription 2,000," or Rx 2,000" or Rx 5,000." U. S. v. Walter Kurt Max Hassenstein (Hassensteln Co.). Consent decree granting Injunction.1
- 2355. Alleged misbranding of Rx 5,000. U. S. v. Walter Kurt Max Hassenstein (Hassenstein Co.). Motion granted for dismissal of information.1
- 2356. Misbranding of Sev-A-Jay capsules, sodium amytal capsules, and Seconal sodium capsules. U. S. v. Harry Cavassa (Peninsula Drug Co.). Motion for dismissal of information denied. Plea of not guilty; verdict of guilty. Fine. $1,200. Judgment affirmed on appeal to circuit court of appeals.1
- 2357. Misbranding of phenobarbital tablets. U. S. v. Reginald J. Price, manager of Shell Lake Drug Co. Plea of guilty. Defendant fined $75, given sentence of 6 months in Jail, which was suspended, and placed on probation for 1 year.1
- 2358. Misbranding of Red Rooster Pills and Gen Tablets. U. S. v. Victor Edison Perry, The Vim Co., and The Vim Vitamin Co.). Plea of guilty. Sentence of 60 days in jail.1
- 2359. Misbranding of Sanger Special Formula Single Strength Prescription and Sanger Special Formula Double Strength Prescription. U. S. v. Carl J. Greenblatt (G & W Laboratories). Plea of guilty. Fine of $500 and jail sentence of 3 months; jail sentence suspended and defendant placed on probation for 1 year.1
- 2360. Misbranding of Jaxon Periodic Medicine. tJ. S. v. Milton L. Lieberman (Jaxon Products Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $100 and costs.1
- 2361. Misbranding of Bra'zil's Liquid Compound and Bra'zil's Powder Compound. U. S. v. Yancy T. Shehane (Bra'zil Medicine Co.). Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $200.1
- 2362. Misbranding of Lanteen cup diaphragm and jelly set. U. S. v. 159 Dozen Packages.1
- 2363. Adulteration of Tebsin Tablets. U. S. v. S. O. Barnes & Son and Alfred O. Barnes. Motion to strike denied. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine of $1,000 against each defendant.1
- 2364. Adulteration and misbranding of Met-Estrin. U. S. v. Metropolitan Laboratories, Inc., and Rudolph N. Price. Pleas of guilty. Fine, $500 against defendants jointly.1
- 2365. Adulteration and misbranding of Thionicavin No. 2. U. S. v. Chicago Pharmacal Co. and Chester H. Taylor and William B. Taylor, Jr. Pleas of guilty. Fine, $1,000.1
- 2366. Adulteration of aminophylline and misbranding of thiamine hydrochloride. U. S. v. Medicinals, Inc. Plea of guilty. Fine, $600.1
- 2367. Adulteration of thiamine hydrochloride. U. S. v. 72 Vials.1
- 2368. Adulteration of thiamine hydrochloride. U. S. v. 38 Vials.1
- 2369. Adulteration of sodium chloride isotonic solution. U. S. v. 141 Vials (and 1 other seizure action).1
- 2370. Adulteration of sodium Iodide and sodium salicylate with colchicine. U. S. v. 50 Ampoules.1